Politics: Mr Touadéra, where will you find the envelope of 800 million FCFA for the ceremony of your taking office?


At around 4 weeks of his first anniversary, President Faustin Archange TOUADERA and his team are working tirelessly and quietly to celebrate with great fanfare this first candle despite the current state of the country. While a colossal budget has been defined and allocated for the cause, there are already visible scrambles throughout the mafia milieu close to the Damara Turtle.
« We must do something for the President of the Republic to thank him for all he has done for us, » says a DG of a Parastatal Society close to President TOUADERA at a meeting gathering all Directors General Public Administration and State-owned Enterprises. This statement, understand, is not that of a citizen lambda, but rather of a Director-General appointed by the President of the Republic Faustin archangel TOUADERA. This clearly demonstrates the concept of the thankfulness of this unnecessary and costly ceremony in financial terms for the entire Central African people.
At one of these many meetings they organize in the capital’s districts, we noticed the presence of Colonel Francis Bozizé alongside these Directors-General. Although he was not directly at the same table with these, he regularly received every 5min the other participants of the meeting.
It was in a bar-restaurant in the Fouh district in the fourth arrondissement of Bangui requisitioned for this meeting. According to these Directors-General, it was imperative for Colonel Francis Bozizé to be discreet about others to avoid attracting public attention.
According to the conclusion of the last meeting of the Fouh district, each Director-General must contribute according to the weight of his company or administration. The Directors-General of Customs, Finance, the Budget, the Treasury, the Taxes, etc., can not contribute the same amount as their colleagues in television, radio or cadastre.
For Colonel Francis Bozizé, his presence was based on the security plan. He must also present his security budget which the participants guaranteed him to cover everything before the ceremony of 30 March.
Pending the next meeting that would see the presence of President TOUADERA, the provisional budget of the ceremony of the first anniversary in the power of Damara Turtle was completed with 859 million FCFA. A colossal budget that will probably be pumped on the back of the bruised Central African people.
Having arrived in power on March 30, 2016 thanks to an election organized on the battlefield (President of a Senegalese Colonel of Minusca), President TOUADERA will blow his first candle in a month during a ceremony that will be organized at the Renaissance Palace In Bangui. Meanwhile, millions of Central Africans continue to be tapped by armed groups and children are suffering from the lack of food.

Source: CNC


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