Mr. Dondra, what is the complicit silence of the IGE and the IGF in the case of Chefs de quartier C / Lazare Morales?


Kemo deputies accused Prefect Lazare Morales Ngaya of misappropriating funds for the heads of neighborhoods and villages in the region. The accusation was made during a press briefing held in Bangui today by the four elected representatives of the region.

It was the deputies of Sibut, Ndjoukou, Mala and Dékoa who brought the charge against the prefect of the Kémo. According to Gina Sanzé, deputy of Dékoa, more than 700,000 Fcfa would have disappeared, « according to official information, 1,660,000 Fcfa had been handed over to the prefect of the Kémo which counts 473 heads of village. According to the account, each notable should receive 3500 Fcfa. According to our information, 178,000 CFA francs were awarded for the 52 chiefs of the commune of Sibut, 150,000 FCFA for the 65 chiefs of Goumbélé, 320,000 FCFA for the 139 notables of Dékoa and Mala, 300,000 FCFA for the 200 chiefs of Ndjoukou. These amounts amount to 948,000 FCFA. In this case, there is a gap of 712,000 Fcfa that has disappeared, « explained the member for Dékoa.


The deputies of the region announced that they had asked the sub-prefects to suspend the payment of these allowances, « we did not understand that it is only in the Kémo that the chiefs are treated in this way. While in Bangui, the notables received 40,000 FCFA, 10,000 CFA francs in some cities and 5,000 CFA francs in others. In Sibut, we go so far as to give 1500 FCFA to the latter. We asked the sub-prefects to stop paying the chiefs so that the government would assume its responsibilities. If not, we will return the money to the government, « said Gina Sanzé, visibly upgraded.

On the telephone, the prefect of the Kémo has rejected the accusations which, according to him, have no basis. Lazare Morales Ngaya acknowledged having received from the Director General of Territorial Administration the sum of 1,660,000 Fcfa which he used to pay the heads of districts and villages through the sub-prefects. According to the prefect of the Kemo, the payment of the indemnities of the notables of Sibut has already been made, « we have the same day charged the heads of districts of the center. The money was given to the four sub-prefects so that the notables of the other zones were paid. I am still waiting for the report of these sub-prefects to know how much the notables have received, « he explained.

While the prefect said that he had given 3500 Fcfa to the notables of Sibut center, the president of the special delegation, who was himself a group leader, advanced the sum of 3350 Fcfa, a difference of 150 Fcfa. The money that made polemics in Sibut was granted to the notables by the head of state Faustin Archange Touadera. The notables of Bangui received 40,000 Fcfa out of the 60,000,000 Fcfa handed over by the President of the Republic.
Source: RJDH


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