Zoundecko executed for having told the truth and to be an embarrassing witness ….


« In an interview given to the RJDH on Wednesday, February 08, one of the military leaders of the Popular Front for the Renaissance of Central Africa, Joseph Zoundecko stressed that the red line drawn by the Minusca in Bambari is not an obstacle. The latter accuses the President of the National Assembly of being the main support of the UPC.
RJDH: General Zoundéko hello!
GZ: Hello Madam the journalist!
RJDH: For three months of fighting between the FPRC-RPRC-MPC coalition and those of the UPC. What justifies this fratricidal war of the Selkites?
GZ: Yes, three months ago, the UPC elements sent by Ali Darassa attacked our camp in Bria, located at PK 45 in Bambari. We think it’s a provocation from them, so we replied. It is a well prepared program by Ali Darassa. This is not a matter of the FPRC and the UPC, but it is a matter for the government.
As we are a force of resistance to their attack, they thought we were weakening before they went to their operation. In their plan, they planned to attack in the first place the city of Sam-Ouadja and its aerodrome to facilitate the capture of Ouada Djale and that of Birao. In their strategy, the capture of the city of Birao is strategic because they will use the airfield of the city Birao to refuel in order to march on Bangui in connivance with the president of the National Assembly Abdou Karim Mekassoua and Of the Chadian rebels. As soon as Bangui is in their hands, they will return to Chad to overthrow the regime in place. We, as sons of the country, see the suffering of the people of Ouaka and Haute-Kotto, it is our duty to protect the lives of the Central Africans and we will not allow the elements of the UPC to march on Bangui, it is through us that Ali Darassa came to rebellion in CAR.
RJDH: You seem to blame the current Speaker of the National Assembly for supporting the elements of the UPC?
GZ: We do not blame him because we have evidence. During the attack on Bakala, we managed to get hold of one of the generals of Ali Darassa who gave us these details about their actions and their support which is Meckassoua.

RJDH: My general who now controls the city of Bakala.
GZ: Our group has not only the control of the City of Bakala but also that of Ndassima now where I am to answer your questions.
RJDH: At the last news, the UPC takes the top. How do you explain that?
GZ: It’s purely a lie, since it’s been a few days since we are in Bria and some of our elements are in Ndassima.
RJDH: What is your ultimate goal?
GZ: My final goal is to march on the city of Bambari to dislodge Ali Darassa and his elements from the Central African Republic. The damage caused by the elements of Ali Darassa is enormous. In 2014, more than 63,000 internally displaced persons are registered in the Ouaka, 400 villages burned, more than 20,000 people murdered. In 2016, the village Ngolo-Manga located 15 km from IPPY is set on fire. There, men, women and children were burned alive in the houses.
RJDH: Your final goal is to walk on Bambari while the Minusca has drawn a red line. Are you going to cross that red line?
GZ: The red line of the Minusca in Bambari, is not the Berlin Wall. Even if there was one, yes we will cross it, that red line. In fact, it is the Minusca that supports Ali Darassa by giving it ammunition, but we are Central Africans and we will liberate the city of Bambari.
RJDH: Are you currently in contact with former president Michel Dotodja?
GZ: No. This is not the Djotodja affair or a political issue but our main concern is to liberate the Central African people and moreover it is the provocation of Ali Darassa that shocks us at the moment. The Central Africans today think that the fighting that opposes us is a matter of partition but I as leader, I do not think that the RCA is divisible.
RJDH: Is your group in touch with the government?
GZ: Yes, our group is in permanent contact with the government because I am currently in the bush and it is General Damane who takes care of it.
RJDH: General, thank you!
GZ: It is I who thank you Mrs journalist.

Two days later, after the interview was broadcast, Zoundecko, the head of the coalition forces of the FPRC / RPRC / MPC marching towards the town of Bambari, was killed during a Air raid by UN forces. Why him and why not Ali Darass, another criminal of the worst kind, Peulh of Nigerian origin who erected his headquarters in this city? Was he executed for telling the truth by pointing a finger accusing the international mafia and its local political pawns that made this crisis a real business? Has it been executed to have appeared as an embarrassing witness for all those who are involved from far and near in political politico maneuvers of persistence of this crisis?
This is the conclusion reached by the whistleblowers and all the fighters of freedom and democracy after careful analysis of the latest events that are currently taking place in the Ouaka and for the control of the city of Bambari. A conclusion that goes without any comment!
Kassa mo Ngonda


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