When Mintekoué makes him at his head and refuses to obey the instructions of Bokassa ….


Since the assumption of office by President Touadera, there have been acts and practices that have plunged into the mud the unworthiness of the values of the Republic, which are laid down every day that God makes in this land of men and women. Which are, unfortunately, being erected in a mode of governance, without anybody being upset.
Acts and practices which are constantly being established in the government and the various services of the State and whose names are lack of authority, disobedience to legal authority, failure to respect the procedure of the hierarchy , Notorious negligence, refusal to cooperate, act of rebellion against the legal authority or the decision of the legal authority, etc. Acts and practices that disfigure the image of the administration and have a very negative impact on the quality of the various services to be provided to citizens. Acts and practices that weaken the authority of the State and cause the people to doubt the real capacity of the new authorities to translate into action the policy of rupture and change on the basis of which the candidate Touadéra was Brilliantly elected. So much sung and long awaited!
This is the statement reached by the whistleblowers and all the freedom and democracy fighters, following the publication of note 031/4-MISPAT / DGNG / CAB of 31 January 201 The access of Lieutenant – Colonel Roger Koi – Kouassi and the squadron leader Roger Toukia to the various barracks of the national gendarmerie.

Indeed, according to reliable information in our possession, Mr Thierry – Marie Mintekoué, former Director – General of the National Gendarmerie for the third time, proceeded to a staff move by a memorandum. This is indeed its full authority and is recognized by the laws and regulations of the Republic, except that in this case it is formally forbidden to appoint certain highly sensitive or strategic The national gendarmerie and other elements of the defense and security forces by memorandum. In accordance with the provisions of the general civil service statute providing for fundamental guarantees granted to civil servants and civil servants, such powers fall within the exclusive responsibility of the Government which exercises it by proposing a decree submitted for signature by the President Of the Republic and signed jointly by the Prime Minister, Head of Government and the Minister of Public Security and Territorial Administration and may also be set in motion by the Minister of Public Security and Territorial Administration, But this time by decree. This simply means that the Director General of the National Gendarmerie could very well have appointed these officers and agents of the gendarmerie and other elements of the defense and security forces, on his proposal, not by a memorandum duly signed by But rather by a decree duly signed by his / her most immediate supervisor, that is to say, the Minister of Public Security and Administration. Unfortunately, that is what has not been done. Not only would he not have acted in accordance with the procedure in this case, as described above, which is unacceptable on the part of the professional or procedural specialist , But above all he did not condescend to put forward his proposal for « prior appraisal before any action » and even refused to defer to the message – carried by his hierarchical leader inviting him to send the proposal before any action. This is the palpable example of what alert launchers and all freedom fighters have denounced in their introduction, that is, the institutionalization of certain indecent acts and irregular practices in the mode of Management of the administration and whose names are disobedience to legal authority, failure to respect the hierarchy procedure, notorious negligence, refusal to cooperate, act of rebellion against the legal authority or the decision of the legal authority.
However, why did General Mintekoué want to do it at his head and refuse to solicit the political opinion of Jean – Serge Bokassa before doing so and in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions of the Republic?
In reality, this procedure would have failed to meet the aspirations and other wishes of two (2) ministers – advisers to the President of the Republic, a certain Biro and a certain Selesson. The latter, convinced that the Minister of Public Security and Territorial Administration, in the person of Jean – Serge Bokassa, would be more attentive and more precautionary, would have sent directly to him a list of proposals, of which we have A copy which will be published when the time comes, comprising 32 or 33 names including 2 names bearing the surname « Sélésson ».
Having been informed of this movement, Jean – Serge Bokassa, in his capacity as Minister in charge of public security and administration of the territory, would have requested by message – addressed to General Mintekoué, former Director – General of the Gendarmerie To revise this memorandum and to submit proposals to it to be recorded or transmitted to those of right for decision. For having had the misfortune to be designated bearers of the last message – carried, they would have committed the crime of lese – majeste to the director general of the national gendarmerie who would not have gone through four (4) ways to prohibit them Access to the various barracks of the national gendarmerie.
Since then, the relations between the two (2) heads of the executive of the national gendarmerie would be not only execrable, but above all it is murmuring everywhere in the city and military circles that Lieutenant-Colonel Koi-Kouassi and the head of Squadron Toukia would prepare to have military access to the barracks of the gendarmerie. To this electricity in the air would be added the refusal of the officers and agents relieved of their posts to pass the service for defect of form or not respect for the parallelism of form of the administrative acts.
Who would answer for everything that would happen as a result of these acts? The Minister or the Director General? What would make General Mintekoue run? Would he simply return to this post after being chased and replaced by a brave civilian? To be continued … ..!
Gaspard Koyatémo


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