The journalist Freddy Massengué threatened by an element of the presidential guard of Touadéra ….

If in his communication strategy President Faustin Archange TOUADERA targets directly the online newspapers, often fingering as hostile to his clan policy, a meeting was held with some officials of the Presidency of the Republic to try to restrict as much as possible the movement of Some targeted journalists. A list had been drawn up and given to the Presidential Guards for the application of a Central African journalist, Mr Freddy Nelson Massengué, Director of Publication of the online newspaper « The expression of Central African Republic ». Jailed and expelled from the Boy-Rabe neighborhood by the elements of the Presidential Guard, Massengué can not resist his ban on traveling to certain parts of his country. What exactly is the break with the Tortue advocated during the presidential campaign?
It all began at the beginning of January when it was presented to the staff of the Presidency of the Republic. The President Faustin Archange TOUADERA had not hidden his anger against certain advisers and executives of his Institution who constantly swinging secrets of their work to the journalists of Corbeau News Centrafrique. According to him, the secrets he shares with them are found the next day on CNC. « How can we work calmly in such a condition? « He asks the question to his collaborators. What we did not know was the onset of online media hunt, which was difficult to control by Boy-Rabe’s power. What is bizarre and surprising, the journalist Freddy Massengué, although not hostile to President TOUADERA in his articles published regularly on his blog online, finds curiously on the red list established by the clan TOUADERA in power.
According to the facts he explained to us, the day before yesterday around 3pm from Bangui, he had an appointment in Boy-Rabe with one of his friends who opened an office service just at the entrance of the old Home of the Billionaire of Boy-Rabe faithful. On arriving at the level of the street « 500 saluts » which leads directly to the residence of President TOUADERA, one of the soldiers of the Praetorian guard on duty just at the entrance of this street under a mango tree on the left when coming from On the side of Lycée BOGANDA, arrested him. Without bothering himself, he went to the soldier who did not hesitate to treat him of everything. This soldier, probably anxious to keep his daily bun, climbs the niche and cries out loudly to Freddy, saying that « they are all aware of his double game, which consists in regularly shooting at the Boy-Rabe The troublemakers who do not want to TOUADERA. Accordingly, he concluded, « the order came from the hierarchy to forbid him to put his feet on Boy-Rabe.  »
In front of a crowd of onlookers present at the scene, these soldiers wanted to embark Mr. Freddy Massengue to take him to their base to correct, according to their term. Eventually, thanks to one of their chiefs who came from the side of the soccer field of the Boganda high school that he had the life saved.
In spite of everything, he was told that he must not put his feet back in the 4th arrondissement. He was ordered to leave the area. But the question that has been posed since the beginning of this story: who are these enemies of President TOUADERA that this young journalist works for them? In any case, the rupture with the Turtle is in progress.
Since the arrival of Professor TOUADERA in March last year, attempts to arrest journalists are constantly increasing contrary to his predecessors. Finally, what exactly is his wish? Applause everywhere?
Source: CNC


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