Socrates Bozizé case: the saline response of Charles Armel Doubane on the conditions of issuance of the passport dimplomatique and service ….


Dear Friends, – I am amazed at what I learn about social networks in recent days about a passport that I would have refused to extend to a compatriot with the patronymic BOZIZE. Which? I do not know.

I recall that Diplomatic and / or service passports are elements of the property of the Central African State. Their issue to a particular cyclical holder satisfies criteria laid down by a statutory instrument (Decree). The same text clearly sets out the list of beneficiaries. And I also recall that the diplomatic, service and ordinary biometric passport in the CAR is not extending. Porters are obliged to present themselves physically at the counters of the Center or Ad hoc centers such as the Paris office for new formalities leading to the issuance of a new document.

The technical level in our country does not make it possible to store biometric data for more than five years, hence the systematic resumption of the formalities after the expiry of the period of validity. So for what reason I would refuse to have a passport issued to a Central African subject if he is the legal beneficiary of it. Sometimes it is possible for certain reasons (security, morality of the person …) and during this particularly difficult period in Our world does not issue a diplomatic passport or service to an individual if one is not sure of the proper use or when the wearer could use it inappropriately or prohibited. The issuance of this type of document which is strongly framed.You will easily understand why when the worst or the commission of a terrorist act happens the sole person in charge will be the signatory of the document.

But in the case that flows ink and saliva, no Bozize I say and looking at those who put forward this lie, no Bozize has come close to my services, let alone of myself for that purpose. And I imagine that if we were to do it for this person with a prestigious and notorious patronymic, it would deign to go to the window of an open center for this purpose. In the country or outside. The Bozizé do not trumpet know better than anyone the respect I owe them and what modestly I have done, I do or will do for them as for any dignitary and citizen of the CAR.

As for some of the holders mentioned here abundantly, it is true that they hold these documents by themselves, but I am not certain that they continue to enjoy the privileges associated with this title. I will not say more on the net ..

However I know and am sure that they have already experienced unpleasant surprises in some consulates and chanceries during their visa application formalities. It is a serious, delicate issue that I manage on a daily basis despite the various pressures with coldness, caution especially while respecting the law while remaining human for certain cases.

Sylvère and others having relations between us which have never varied, perhaps on your side but not mine, I mark my surprise at this unfounded and unjust exit. It was enough to ask me the question, I will answer you in the simplest way. I serve the state or what remains of it in our country with my limits by avoiding falling back into the mistakes of the past that we all deplore. Everything that is said on the street is often not true.

This scoop serves us and it is in this way that throwing others into pasture we create problems whose scope often escapes us. And when we realize that we have committed the irreparable against a person who has only done his work, it will be late. Maybe he would not be alive (extreme case). And regret as well as remorse if one has the human conscience settle down for a long time.

Why do not we want to respect the texts we give ourselves in this Central African Republic? In this case, who is the victim? Should we use the keyboards wisely than to unnecessarily seek to harm.

Respects and good Sunday.

Charles Armel DOUBANE


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