Revelation: Mr. Gréla Mpoko, general manager of the Socatel, entangled in a case of embezzlement of funds of 150 million CFA francs


According to information generally believable in our possession and coming from sources very close to the entrails of the Presidency of the Republic, Mr. Gréla Mpoko, formerly Director General of the Socatel, would be entangled in a sordid misappropriation case Of funds in the amount of 150 million CFA francs. President Touadera, in order to shed light on this case, which is considered to be the second financial scandal concerning the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, would have simply decided to entrust the responsibility Investigations and investigations, not to the General State Inspectorate which reports directly to its authority and discretion, but rather to the General Inspectorate of Finance through the Ministry of Finance of the budget.
Indeed, these sources have stated with little detail that in order to implement the policy of reform which Socatel needed for its credibility, its viability, modernization and rebirth, the government, under the transition, Not hesitated for a single moment, in spite of periods of very high cash flow, to allocate a subsidy of 150 million CFA francs on a request of 300 million CFA francs to the Director General. A portion of these funds was used to pay arrears of wages owed to staff who, tired of unfulfilled promises, had decided to regularly resort to unlimited strikes. In this regard, he would have been disbursed a large sum of money to pay certain top executives, buy the conscience of the leaders of the trade unions and carry out certain so-called sovereignty expenses.
Unfortunately, since then, no duly substantiated document has been issued to substantiate the way these funds were managed and used. In addition to this opaque and irregular management which has characterized the handling of this subsidy, no other written act has been drawn up to justify clearly and precisely the situation of receipts and their allocation or destination.
Consequently, these deficiencies can only result from anomalies which can only naturally be subject to serious questions and anxieties, to comfort the new authorities in their reserve to the disbursement of the remainder of the demand and which can not leave Tuadera insensitive. Hence this mission of control, investigation and verification of the writings whose work would begin in the very next hours by the hearings of the director general and his close collaborators and the exploitation of budgetary, accounting and financial documents.
Recall that a few months ago, another case of embezzlement in this ministry had been revealed by the online newspaper called « Corbeau News ». The charges concerned the non – production of the financial statements of the CAB Fiber Optique project, of which Mr. Gourna Zacko, former Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, was and remains the coordinator, buying a second – hand vehicle from his director of Cabinet and the rehabilitation of his office. But the overlapping of these accusations and the investigations carried out on the subject by certain organs of the press, whose invoices remain unpaid to date, in the office of the director of the cabinet, had concurred in establishing that they were only  » A fabric of lies cleverly conceived on the basis of a settlement of accounts.
Let us bet this time that the results of this mission, the responsibility of which would be entrusted to professionals, can not only be fruitful, but above all provoke a rigorous reaction on the part of the President of the Republic. In the name of the policy of rupture, so that no one is ignorant!
Jean – Paul Naïba


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