Revelation: Justin Gourna – Zacko, Minister of the PTT entangled in a new case of financial scandal and embezzlement?


A few months ago, the alert launchers and the freedom and democracy fighters, following an article published by a colleague of the CNC, kindly informed national and international opinion on a In the Ministry of PTT. According to these sources, Mr Justin Gourna Zacko, former Minister, allegedly misappropriated the CAB Fiber Optique project, financed by the WB, of which he was and remains so far. Since his appointment to the PTT, he has incurred and incurred expenses relating to the purchase of a vehicle on behalf of his Chief of Staff and to the rehabilitation work in the office of the General Directorate of Socatel, to serve as an office To the latter. Problem: Invoices and supporting documents were never available. However, after thorough investigations by journalists belonging to five (5) print and online media, this information would have proved to be false and delivered on a settlement basis. Nevertheless, to this case will be added another later on a misappropriation of the envelope of 150 million FCFA, a subsidy of the State intended for the Socatel and of which the accused would this time be the director general Of that company, Mr Gréla M’poko. A case whose investigation has been entrusted to the General Inspectorate of Finance through Henri Marie Dondra, previously Minister of Finance and Budget, but the mission report would not yet be available. And now a third case begins to defray the chronicles and again points a finger accusing the person of Mr. Justin Gourna Zacko, following the Télecel case. This makes it a bit too much in the space of a few months.

 What about this new case from CopyrightCNC @ 2017?


« It is an open secret for the Central Africans that it is thanks to the dismemberment of the international telecommunications branch of SOCATEL by Fidèle Gouandjika then minister of telecommunications of Bozizé and the installation of a gateway of which he himself, his mentor Bozizé and their accomplices and international partners garnered the fruits that Gouandjika has become the billionaire he boasts of. It is also no secret to anyone in the Central African Republic that it is thanks to the permanent hold-up of national mobile operators (TELECEL, ORANGE, MOOV and AZUR) that the same Fidèle Gouandjika and Thierry Maléyombo Savenarole who succeeded him The head of the Ministry of Telecommunications have unlawfully enriched themselves.

The first who calls himself a « billionaire of Boy-Rabe » has swallowed up his manna fallen from the sky in the construction without the rules of the art of a demolished building in the Boy-Rabe district is said to have a hotel purpose and Difficult to complete.
The fight for impunity being a favorite sport in the CAR, what is surprising to see today Fidèle Gouandjika continue to strut quietly in Bangui at the wheel of its long and luxurious American and even enthroned To the presidential cabinet as special adviser to a democratically elected President of the Republic! We are in CAR! It is also not surprising that Thierry Maléyombo could build a superb villa in Hérault in France with this fortune illegally accumulated during his passage at the head of the ministry of justice and telecommunications under Bozizé and as ephemeral dircab Of the president of the CNT, Ferdinand Alexandre Nguendet.
It is to make like these two predecessors that Justin Gourna-Zacko, the current minister of telecommunications has set out to pump the maximum amount of money to TELECEL, the leading mobile phone operator and Internet access provider in CAR . Minister Gourna-Zacko’s rocket has several floors. The first stage consists in taking possession and control of the real milk cow which is the Agency of Regulation of the Telecommunications (ART). He placed one of his parents Ghislain Debossal as Acting DG.
Second floor of the rocket: Put PM Sarandji in his pocket by telling him some tricks to make him believe that TELECEL owes a lot of money to the state and that he must at all costs force him to pay. For this, the help of the corrupt Arthur PIRI and no less nephew of the Head of State and Comptroller General of Offices and Public Enterprises to the Prime Minister is welcome. Without warning, Gourna-Zacko is talking with a new mobile phone operator whose name we still retain and which for the moment remains in the shadows but for which the minister ardently works.
Third stage of the rocket: At a recent meeting on the file that preceded the cut for a few hours of the interconnection of TELECEL with the other operators, Arthur Piri even dared to let go that « there would already be a buyer for TELECEL which could recave its four hundred and a few employees. TELECEL, who does not rightly consider lice on his head, has appealed to the courts and the decision of the tribunal de grande instance is expected. TELECEL is determined to go to the end of this harassment even if it has to appeal to the Arbitral Court of OHADA. Hello for the business climate in the Central African Republic. The ART makes believe that TELECEL should more than six hundred million to the State which is in fact not true because it concerns the undue billing of royalties on the license of the telephony 3G own own TELECEL in Its convention since the origin of its installation in the CAR.
This ministerial zeal on TELECEL is purely arbitrary and all the less understandable that after the transition of the Seleka coalition to power in 2013 and 2014, several commercial companies that contribute greatly to the state’s fiscal-customs revenues have been brought to the knee Without genuine accompanying measures to relieve them. TELECEL was deprived of about twenty vehicles carried by the hordes of Seleka without counting the stocks of fuel for the operation of its generating sets and other technical installations in provinces.
There is every reason to believe that all the delay accumulated by the RCA for its connection to the optical fiber is largely attributable to the Minister Justin Gourna-Zacko who is a former executive of the Central African Telecommunication Corporation (SOCATEL) and also Project Coordinator CAB Fiber Optic In CAR since 2007. It is a financing of 9 billion CFA francs that the World Bank disbursed for this project which rather served to fatten this son of the country and not to ensure the opening up of our country in the field of new technologies Information and communications. His presence in the current Sarandji government is nothing more than a premium on corruption and bad governance.
Another subsidiary but no less relevant question is whether it would not be to fill the coffers of his party, the CRPS of Me Nicolas Tiangaye, that the deputy CRPS de Bouca 1, Justin Gourna-Zacko search frantically for money because Under an order that he signed recently, an account should be opened without any clarification of the wording, to collect the royalties that his armed arm, ART, is supposed to recover.
This is how some ministers, with the complicity and support of PM Sarandji, make babies in the back of President Touadera …! What is he still waiting for to clean the stables of Augias?  »
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Jean – Paul Naïba


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