Revelation: Below the threats persisting muscle, liquidation and physical death of Jean – Paul Naïba, vice – president of the GEPPIC ……


Since 9 days, following the revelation made to me by Mr. Cyrus Emmanuel Sandy, editor of the « Médias + » newspaper, one of the most widely read newspapers in the Republic – before the president of the executive committee of the association called Groupement des Publishers of the Private and Independent Press of Centrafrique, abbreviated GEPPIC, at his home on January 9, 2017, at 1:46 pm, on a serious conspiracy against my person. Authors are known according to his informant and who have to resort to the service of the Anti – Balakas for this dirty work, I do not cease being the object of spinning and the subject of debates of certain individuals, in my environment more or less direct or indirect.

I take this opportunity to call to wisdom and reason all my tormentors whose names are known and who report to the Ministry of Finance and Budget. That they simply have the intellectual elegance of having recourse to the right of reply to which the constitution gives them full right to relate the contrary evidence of my analyzes and to denounce the untruths contained in my articles in question.

But already, I want to inform them officially by this note and to alert the national and international opinion that my article entitled « Below threats persisting muscle, liquidation and physical death of Jean – Paul Naïba, Vice – President of the GEPPIC …… « , resulting from serious cross – checks and profound investigations, is already completed and transmitted to those entitled for wide publication.

 Consequently, this note is only a preliminary reflection based on my right to free expression and freedom, recognized, enshrined and guaranteed by the constitution of 30 March 2016, and must have the merit of constituting Ambiguous and unadorned, a last warning, the duration of which will not exceed two (2) days, for all those who want to muzzle me, to threaten me with liquidation and physical death … Let them remind Order and definitely attach their pit bulls … or let them loose them against all the warlords and all the armed bands who have put the Republic in regulated cups.

Jean – Paul Naïba


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