National Assembly: Touadéra and Méckassoua play with fire ….


meckassouaIt is no secret today that Touadera came to the command of the management of the affairs of the city and the presidency of the Republic only by an accident of history. It is the same with Meckassoua parachuted at the head of the second institution of the Republic, having generously bought the soul of the majority of the deputies by means of the hard cash.

The first was elected only with the help of a number of happy circumstances, namely the invalidation of the candidature of Michel Amine, founding president of the UNDP, for example, and the maneuvers of charles Malinas , As revealed by Mrs. Cathérine Samba – Panza in one of her spectacular outings on social networks. And the second, through the transitional constitutional court, which would simply have canceled the results of the 13 polling stations where he would have been defeated to take into account only those of a single polling station where he Would have had the upper hand on his challenger. Having run for the last presidential and legislative elections under the label of independent candidates, they have no political basis and therefore can not report to any political structure either in Bangui or inside.

This is why they are more or less obliged, in the national assembly and in the government, to have the necessary political support for the implementation of their program and their plan for society, to form political alliances with parties Whose contribution has been decisive for their brilliant victory. Political alliances against reciprocal interests and co-management of the affairs of the city. But it is a mistake to know these independents who are guided only by the unbridled search for easy, personal and selfish gains, and as their name implies, they have no account to give to anyone but themselves . Thus, in order to circumvent the terms of their commitments duly contained in these political alliances signed by mutual agreement with the various partners, such as the MLPC, UNDP and others, they considered it imperative to amend the provisions Of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, consecrating the exclusive paternity of the seat to the political parties.

Consequently, as proposed in the draft of the new Rules of Procedure for which the technical opinion of the Constitutional Court would have been sought, Members could resign from their party while continuing to avail themselves of their status. An act of coup d’état, fragilisation and liquidation of the political parties and institutions of the Republic. This is an act which is outrageously contrary to the sacrosanct principles of democracy, the provisions of the Constitution of 30 March 2017 and the 2005 Ordinance on Political Parties.

As such, the initiators and perpetrators of this enterprise and conspiracy can only be treated as outlaws who would allegedly act against the values of the Republic and the raison d’être of the institutions of the State of which they Are supposed to be the guarantors. However, by wanting politico politicians to liquidate the political parties and murder democracy for their own interests, they would actually play with fire and irreversibly run the risk of burning their fingers or burning themselves, To-date.

Indeed, as alert throwers and fighters of freedom and democracy have never ceased to proclaim it loud and clear, only political parties have the right to animate political life, to conquer power, To manage it and to keep it democratically for as long as possible. To this end, they have solid structural support, which is their basic organs implanted and implemented in prefectures, sub – prefectures, communes, villages, not to mention the 8 districts of the city of Bangui and the 2 communes of Bimbo And Begua. While the independents, as we have pointed out a little earlier, have no legitimate political basis both in Bangui and within and to which they could resort at any time, political party leaders who are institutions Of the Republic not only dispose of them but above all can consult them at any time to obtain their decision or their accession to a particular political action.

After more than 10 months of management of the affairs of the city, it would be enough that Touadera decided to organize today a meeting in the city of Bangui to realize the level of its unpopularity. It would be enough for Méckassoua, who could not obtain more than 5% in the last presidential elections and who would have beaten his challenger in the legislative elections thanks to a helping hand of the constitutional court of the transition, Hui a meeting in the IIIrd arrondissement of the city of Bangui to also realize the level of its unpopularity.
On the other hand, the MPLC, the URCA and the UNDP, to name but a few, can today, as political parties and institutions of the Republic, organize meetings in the city of Bangui without too much difficulty . In other words, if the new rules of procedure of the quarreled assembly were to be adopted, calling into question the full power of the political parties to dispose of their seats, they could resort to their basic organs to dismiss permanently Their deputies. As a result, they would lose their status, they would no longer have recourse to their constituents and would only have names. Large risks must be avoided in order not to add a new crisis to the current crisis, by simultaneously overturning all political parties and the international community. At the risk of burning your fingers or simply getting burned! Business to follow … ..
Kassa mo Ngonda


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