Nation: The truths of Mr. Dominique Yandocka on the case of attribution of the management of the administrative documents to the CCS Company by the Central African …

In an article entitled « How many Faustin Archange Touadéra and Henri Marie Dondra have received from the hands of CCS and ICS to grant them the national identity card market in violation of the constitution? , Published in the newspaper « La Fraternité », under number 781 of Monday, March 27, 2017, gratuitous statements and outrageous allegations were held to support the rumor public that the procedure for awarding the contract Management of the administrative documents from which the company Centrafrique Cartes Systèmes abbreviated CCS, a subsidiary of the company Ivoire Cartes Systèmes or ICS, would be contrary to the provisions of Law n ° 08.017 of 06 June 2008 relating to the Public Procurement Code And delegation of public services in the Central African Republic.
This erroneous information, no doubt the work of the enemies of the Republic and of change, has been taken over by some of the newspapers and is now circulating on social networks, discrediting and degrading the already ugly image of our country, Outside and close to partners.
Pis, avalanches of epic assassins, anti-republican, anti-nationalist and counter productive, on personal settlement funds, were launched in the aforementioned article to his Excellency the President of the Republic , Faustin Archange, of the Government headed by Mr. Simplice Matthieu Sarandji, in general, and the Minister of Finance and Budget, Mr. Henri Marie Dondra, in particular.
In reply, and in order to re-establish the truth and to clear up the affront suffered by the Republic, the undertaking Centrafrique Cartes Systèmes or CCS, of Central African nationality and right, must break the silence and speak to reassure the  » National and international opinion on the chronology of the implementation and the conditions of execution of the public – private partnership between the Central African State and Ivory Cartes Systèmes via its subsidiary Centrafrique Cartes Systèmes CCS.
This adventure so difficult, so coveted by enemies of the Republic but so exhilarating started on 22 April 2016 by the presentation of its offers of service by Ivory Cartes Systèmes (ICS) to the Government of the Central African Republic and to the Ministers in charge of the management Of certain departments. These offers were simply related to technological solutions for securing administrative documents, identification and traceability of goods and people, with a view to modernizing and revitalizing the Central African administration.
Following the letter of invitation from the Prime Minister, Head of Government, to the President and Chief Executive Officer of Ivoire Cartes Systèmes (ICS), dated 13 June 2016, a framework was created for discussion Between the various Ministerial Departments and ICS, leading to the establishment of a Public – Private Partnership. This will be followed by a positive response from the President of the Ivoire Cartes Systèmes (ICS) and the arrival in Bangui from August of a delegation of the Society to initiate discussions, with The various Ministries, on all the technical proposals and their implementation as soon as a possible Convention is signed.
After a second successful technical mission, during which each Ministry concerned was involved in the project, the needs assessment and the submission of proposals, a letter of intent was sent by the Minister of Finance and Of the budget, on behalf of the Central African Government, followed by an invitation of 2 September 2016 for a meeting with all members of the Government for the detailed presentation of the project in the presence of the Prime Minister, Head of Government Simplice Matthieu Sarandji, To the President and CEO of Ivoire Cartes Systèmes (ICS).
Convinced of the relevance of this project, which is part of the Government’s strong political will to give shape to good governance, the modernization of the administration and the management of public finance management in line with the program and the Political vision of the Head of State, Pr Faustin Archange Touadera, to be implemented by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Simplice Matthieu Sarandji, and considering the highly sensitive and highly sovereign and strategic nature of this area of intervention, The Minister of Finance and Budget, Henri Marie Dondra, unanimously appointed by his peers « Contracting Authority », submitted the ICS file to the Cabinet Council on September 09, 2016, and then to the Council of Ministers Ministers, on 15 September 2016. In his introductory note, the Minister of Finance and Budget not only referred to the urgent need for the Central African Government In order to contribute to a significant increase in the level of state revenues and their security, but above all argued that this Public-Private Partnership project should be part of a delegation In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 08.017 of 06 June 2008 on the Code of Public Procurement and Delegation of Public Services in the Central African Republic.
On the basis of the above, the Council of Ministers, on behalf of the Government, which guarantees national sovereignty and the defense of the interests of the Central African people, issued on 15 September 2016 a favorable opinion, independently and responsibly, Relating to the delegation of management of the security of administrative documents, the identification and traceability of goods and persons to ICS, accompanied by the condition of creation by it of a subsidiary under the Central African law and endowed with transfer of jurisdiction Or know – how, on the one hand, and the signature of an agreement with the Minister of Finance and the Bugdet, hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Authority and with full powers, on the other hand.
Pursuant to this decision of the Council of Ministers, validated by the President of the Republic, Head of State, and having previously requested a notice of no objection from the General Direction of Public Procurement in accordance with the procedure defined by the Code of The Convention was signed on 22 September 2016 between the Government of the Central African Republic, represented by the Minister of Finance and Budget, Henri Marie Dondra and the Ivoire Cartes Systèmes Company, represented by Mrs Nelly COULIBALY, As Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Consequently, it is formally obligated to respect the specifications of this Convention by making operational the subsidiary of the Company Ivoire Cartes Systèmes, that is to say the Société Centrafrique Cartes Systèmes. And this is what it is today, with determination and conviction.
This being said, and at this level of the debate as revealed above in a detailed and chronological manner, it is established that the legality has been scrupulously observed in the procedure of delegation of the management of the security of administrative documents, identification And the traceability of goods and people, so much so that the information distilled here and there can only be the visible expression of the appetite of the enemies of the Republic, as was pointed out a little before .
Strong foreign lobbies with the complicity of certain senior officials of the State and certain compatriots who have a share of responsibility in the current crisis, through the opaque and mercantilist management and distribution to all coming from these administrative documents and titles, Who want to continue to control this sector of activity for personal ends and contrary to the interests of the Republic and the people of the Central African Republic. The return to constitutional order having become effective with the brilliant election of President Faustin Archange Touadera by the Central African people from east to west from north to south and the Central African Republic being an independent state, it can no longer be Question, as it is a matter of diplomatic law and custom in all countries of the world, that the management of these documents and titles, substantial attributes of national sovereignty and exclusive property of the Central African people, is monopolized by a lobby or lobbies Always in the maneuver and known by all. To do so is to betray the people and to commit the crime of high treason liable to prosecution before the High Court of Justice. To do so is to go back and give opportunity to foreigners and mercenaries to enjoy Central African nationality and to avail themselves of it when the time comes to liquidate the Republic and assassinate the Central African people on their own land.
It is therefore in all responsibility and in the name and in the interest of the Central African people that the delegation of the management of these administrative documents has been entrusted, in the framework of South / South cooperation, to an Ivorian Society via its subsidiary Central African Republic CCS, determined to work for the creation of employment and national wealth.
It is therefore a politically courageous and praiseworthy act, and a very strong signal, first of all to the people « long subdued and long oppressed by all » and then to the rising, enterprising and dynamic Central African youth in accordance with The politics of the rupture so much preached by the President of the Republic, His Excellency Faustin Archange Touadéra, during the electoral campaign and on the basis of which he was brilliantly elected, which the Government has just asked.
Indeed, by deciding to courageously translate this policy into full confidence in a Central African Law Society, the legitimate and legitimate authorities in charge of managing the affairs of the city, although disappointed by the conduct unbecoming of their functions and the A republic that is constantly showing their closest collaborators to them, have come here and for the first time in the history of the Republic to turn their backs on the old formulas of despising the ability of the Central African people to To emerge from it and to give palpable, visible and legible proof of their firm determination and their fierce determination to associate it desoramis downstream and upstream to any work of national reconstruction.
This is the occasion not only to throw flowers at them but especially to express to them, in the name of the Central African people who expects a lot from them and from CCS, all our recognition and our commitment to respect the obligations defined and Contained in the specifications of the Convention.
Together for a safer future, for You and You.
Thank you.


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