Nation: The reasons for the terrible and stinging fiasco of Touadera and the Presidential Majority


On Thursday, 9 March 2017, the vote on the renewal of the members of the Bureau was held in the Chamber of the National Assembly. In accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure, except for the post of the President of the National Assembly elected for a term of five (5) years, all other members shall be obliged to submit their posts annually to a vote of Trust from their peers.

So, a great opportunity offered to the two heads of the executive, namely the President of the Republic, Faustin Archange Touadéra, and the President of the National Assembly, Karim Méckassoua, who had been looking at each other for some time Earthenware and real enemies, to descend into the arena, like a gladiator against a retiary, and to confront this time directly. A hard and hard battle, by persons or entities, the presidential majority group called « United Hearts », on the one hand, and the Méckassoua mobility known as the « path of hope », the On the other hand, in which the two enemies have thrown all their strength. A battle that finally ended in a very good way by the victory of the camp of Karim Méckassoua on the camp Faustin Archange Touadéra. Who would’ve believed that ?
Yet all the provisions seemed to have been taken by the presidential majority to prevail by bringing into its office its representatives in order to politically thwart all the pending or forthcoming actions of the president of the national assembly which would be, According to them, in reality the gray eminence of the slaughterers of Seleka and who would hear only one favorable opportunity to make life difficult for the regime or simply take power in place of Touadera. To this end, several meetings in preparation for this vote, in which independent members and Allied political parties took part, were organized and strategies proposed, discussed and adopted. And even the day before, after the meetings of the Hotel du Center and the Hotel Ledger, a final conclave gathering more than 95 deputies would have been held at the Hotel Azimuts late into the night for the last voting instructions. So why such a terrible and bullying fiasco? How can a presidential entity able to use all the means of the state not succeed in electing two (2) of its representatives to the post of vice – president and placing three of its members in the office? Terrible, is not it? What are the reasons for this?

Stève Koba was not the ideal candidate of the presidential majority

According to reliable information in our possession, Stève Koba, candidate of the presidential majority in the post of the 1st vice – president of the national assembly would not be the ideal man. The platform, known as « United Hearts », had instead chosen a certain Augustin Yangana Yahoté, deputy of the 4th district of the 2nd district and president of the parliamentary group UNDP, the first political force of the country with its 14 deputies and party allied to Touadéra. The latter would not only have the support of the majority of independent deputies but would also benefit from the unwavering support of political parties with deputies sitting in the national assembly. But Augustin Yangana Yahoté, two days away from the fateful day, would be absent from Bangui, curiously at the request of the President of the National Assembly, Mr Karim Méckassoua, Reportedly instructed him to represent him at a meeting of parliamentarians in Canada without first informing him of the United Hearts platform and the Allied political parties.
So, caught off guard, their choice would then be made at the last minute on the person of Mr. Stève Koba. A casting error that will later turn out to be unprofitable and counter productive. For the man who was not of good character and whose name had been quoted by the local press in cases of racketting of the Lobaye forestry companies, the non-payment of rent bills due to the center hotel and Of scams, would not have managed to make the unanimity around his person. Hence his release on the day of the vote by both.

Tadera deceitful, radiant and immature politically

For some well-informed observers of Central African political life, this bitter and shattering failure of Touadera and the presidential majority is merely the result of cunning, cunning and lack of sincerity, characteristic features of its management of the affairs of the Cited.
Indeed, since his brilliant victory and his seizure of power, man would have shone only by beautiful and honeyed promises and acts of debauchery which would ultimately make him lose and the confidence of some independent deputies and that of the parties Politicians who supported it against all odds. And his complicit silence on the approach to modify the old provisions of the internal rules of the National Assembly would be regarded as an act of lack of respect for them and stronger an act of treason.
To this taint would be added Touadera ‘s propensity to whine in front of its hosts, to spend its time chanting in their ears the treasury difficulties that the country knows, perhaps ignoring that they do not know A little too much on what the special funds put weekly at its disposal by the public treasury are destined for, and to give difficulty to the luckiest among them only the modest sum of ten (10) thousand CFA francs as transport money . It was a sad experience for both sides in the vote of the Speaker of the National Assembly and all the other members a year ago. An experiment that would have been renewed to the point that even his Prime Minister, Simplice Matthieu Sarandji, would have handed over to the deputies of the presidential majority, meeting at the Azimuts hotel that day, that is to say the day before, And who would have been entitled neither to water nor to drink, but the modest sum of ten (10) thousand CFA francs. Go there!
Finally, as a misfortune never comes alone, the conjunction of these two (2) weaknesses could only militate negatively in favor of the image of the man of 30 March in the collective consciousness. For deceit and avarice do not rhyme with politics. Their incarnation unfortunately in man would have ended up making him a ball in the air, sailing with the wind and not being able to constitute a solid on which one can found seriousness to advance, to be taken seriously and Be respected and feared. A man without strategists and strategies that does not know what he wants, where he must go or lead the people and who does not know how to give himself the means to give shape to all his promises. A man who allows himself to be manipulated by the little illegitimate politicians who surround him and who never cease to make him believe that his failure is the other, that is to say a certain Karim Méckassoua, Him the problem and that is the solution.
Méckassoua too strong politically

While he was not only declared by public rumor, the day after the interview of General Zoundecko of the FPRC / RPRC / MPC who directly accused him of being the political gray eminence of the Nigerian-born Pehl mercenary, Ali Darass of the UPC, as public enemy No. 1, but above all considered as the man to be killed, because of this information and that he could succeed to the other in case the caciques of The presidential majority, Méckassoua would never hasten to speak and respond to these attacks. Even forced by the press, he would never have gone to more explanations than what he had to say.
In the meantime, as a strategist and political calculator, the man who complains that his political universe and his networks are surrounded by a certain mysticism would be contrary to the other head of the executive, a man endowed with a warmth Sincerity and outstanding management. Those who used to go to him and exchange with him, would never have discovered in him the characteristics of a whining and too plaintive man. Even in difficult times, he would always be ready to put his hand in his pocket in order to allow his guests to bear their transportation costs. A man who would be too high to expose his treasury difficulties, following the example of the non-payment of the overall endowments of the national assembly for some time by the Minister of Finance and Budget, in the public square.
The conjunction of these two (2) characters would eventually make man a completely finished, mystical and feared politician. Virtues that would have allowed him to weigh the balance towards his side during this vote. Indeed, while neither President Touadera nor Prime Minister Sarandji would have succeeded in having more than one member join their cause, Méckassoua would have been able to mobilize and independent deputies and members of certain parties Policies around its objectives. As evidence, the day before, more than forty (40) vehicles of deputies of all tendencies, parked in front of the house of his henchman, deputy Aurélien Simplice Zingas, 1st vice-president. A strategy that would have proved paying and too fruitful, to the surprise of its detractors.
A Touadera to draw all the lessons of this terrible and stinging fiasco before it is too late!

Kassa Mo Gonda


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