Nation: The election of Cyrus Emmanuel Sandy invalidated by Maka Gbossokoto, at the request of the presidency of the Republic, after an electoral masquerade …

According to reliable information in our possession, at the time these lines are being drawn, the election of Mr. Cyrus Emmanuel Sandy, President of the Geppic and editor of the Journal Médias +, as representative of media professionals Deprived of the High Council of the Communication, would have provoked an outcry and a real political earthquake in the bowels of the presidency of the Republic and the primacy.

Former secretary general of the Diocesan Youth Office Student Christian of Bangui, student leader of the University of Bangui from 1990 to 1992, former minister of the Republic, former councilor of the presidency, former parliamentarian and human rights activist and Of good governance, the man who in his letter of motivation made a terrible trial of the management of the HCC and committed to make it not an association of the hangmen of the press, a kind of 5th column of power Repressive anti – communication but rather an Institution in the service of the Republic and a counter – power, could only naturally hinder and disturb the partisans and the laudators of the gagging of the press.

It was therefore both imperative and more urgent for the liquidators of the written press and the murderers of the warriors of the pen, rebellious to criticism and closed to democratic debates, to take all measures to invalidate purely and simply, Without any form of trial, the results of the election of March 22, 2017. An election that was won at the regular one by Cyrus Emmanuel Sandy which obtained 48 votes against 46 votes for Jules Yanganda (see PV of a bailiff from Which will soon be published). To do so, strategies would have been discussed and adopted and contacts would have been made by the emissaries of the Presidency of the Republic and the Prime Minister with the President of the Union of Central African Journalists in abbreviation UJCA, Mr. Maka Gbossokoto, Of the organizing committee of the elections in order not to draw up the minutes of the elective general assembly and to formulate fanciful reasons for convening a new general assembly for the organization of new elections.

Thus, all private media professionals will be convened on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 9 am at the Jean XXIII Center at a new elective general assembly on the following grounds: unconstitutionality of the results of the last elective assembly of 22 March 2017, objections Ministers of communication and the general secretariat of the government, and requests from certain candidates.

Political reasons, the ultimate aim of which was to invalidate the results of the previous election and thus to remove the awkward child and the terrible child of the written press, Cyrus Emmanuel Sandy. And Maka Gbossokoto will assume this responsibility with vehemence and a certain authoritarian spite. From the outset, without having opened the meeting and adopted the agenda as is right in the work of any general assembly and without first having asked for and obtained the floor, the man is unleashed and drops from His lips the cruel and unacceptable truths that followed: protest of the results by the presidency, accusation against his person as a Lobaye national to be behind the election of Sandy, objections of certain ministers, imperative necessity to resume elections to A ballot with two rounds and taken into account in the candidatures of the gender parity.
Despite the lightness and inconsistency of these reasons denounced one by one by Mr. Sandy and many others, Mr. Maka Gbossokoto will remain right in his boots as a Roman soldier under the orders of the centurion. Without giving the floor to the general assembly, who is the only sovereign and responsible and without soliciting and resorting to his decision to hold a new election, he will gladly substitute for her for a passage in force in order to make the wishes of the princes of the Republic.

On the finish, five (5) candidates, Sandy (32 votes), Songuele (43 votes), Zosse (37 votes), Pabandji (3) and Yanganda (59), will be admitted to the second round Yanganda and Songuele . But while it was quite natural that the candidate of power, Mr. Yanganda, would be expected to be elected by Mr. Songuele, as the good indiscretions of the presidency of the Republic would suggest As representative of private media professionals and women will be represented by Mrs Ines Kamayaodé.

A genuinely masterful coup d’etat designed by Maka Gbossokoto against democracy and freedom of the press. A coup d’etat which foreshadowed the distribution of a financial aid of 30 million CFA francs granted by the President of the Republic, exclusively managed by the chief of staff of the minister of communication in connivance with Some of them journalists and shared between parents, friends and acquaintances in the hall and even in the courtyard of the Center Jean XXIII in order to mobilize students against Sandy and buy the conscience of the voters. But a coup d’etat that will not go unpunished.

Indeed, according to reliable information in our possession, arrangements would be made by the candidate Yanguéko Tatiana to challenge before the administrative court the undisputed and undisputed support of Mrs. Sylvie Panika to her opponent Mrs Ines Kamayaodé and are Already initiated by the councils of the candidate Cyrus Emmanuel Sandy for non-contest the results held by the different candidates and the GA and for non production of the minutes of the general assembly elective of 22 March 2017 by the organizing committee of elections.

In addition to these legal actions, letters of strong denunciation of these shameless maneuvers for the liquidation and assassination of press freedom will be sent to all subregional, regional, continental and international organizations of the press, Human rights defenders, international organizations in the Central African Republic, all embassies and diplomatic missions. In order to prevent the flame of press freedom in this country from dying forever!

Jean – Paul Naïba
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