Nation: Mr. Touadera, have the convention duly signed by you in Brussels on behalf of the people of the Central African Republic published !


Notwithstanding the regime’s thurifiers and their fed-up laudators in search of easy gains and food needs without worrying about the people and their destiny, Mr. Touadera was brilliantly elected by a large majority of Central Africans to have them Promised break, change, generational alternation and a bright and hopeful future.

Consequently, it is not bound by the obligation of the means as the lawyers say, but rather by that of the results, in accordance with the provisions of the constitution of 30 March 2016, on which it has taken the oath and the fundamental principles of democracy. Principles according to which power belongs to the people who exercise it by the choice of its leaders through the vote, and who, as a citizen, must have a right of control over the way his voices are used. This means that regular reporting of their actions is a legal obligation of prime necessity for Touadera and all the elected representatives of the nation.
More than 2 months after the round table in Brussels around which too much noise was made, which gave rise to spectacular announcements of more than $ 2.3 billion but of which the first disbursements are awaited in vain, c Is what the President of the Republic and the other elected representatives who surround him and who accompanied him in Brussels on the funds of the Central African taxpayer want to recall today. For except those elected who rarely do it during parliamentary sessions, the head of state is far from recognizing his principles and obeying them. Following the example of the convention duly signed in Brussels with the donors, on behalf of the people of the Central African Republic. A convention around which he did not communicate much, as if he wanted to hide something from the people and whose main clauses not only have not been widely published but have not Been presented and explained directly to the people or their representatives. A silence which now strangely resembles an act of bribery and which can only constitute an act of flagrant violation of the aforementioned principles. What is serious in a democracy. A weakness that is summarized in these words by a Central African, annoyed and tired of waiting for the first effects of this convention: « It is, for our leaders and President Touadéra, a legal and constitutional obligation to be accountable for their achievements , In general, and on what was said and signed in Brussels. To fail to fulfill this duty is simply to fail in its mission. Under no circumstances should he use the name of the people of the Central African Republic for personal gain, « he adds.

Indeed, since the return of the Brussels round table summit, the debate on accountability and accountability is in full swing, with several voices in general and political actors in particular starting to To be heard here and there to demand more results in Touadera and the departure of Prime Minister Sarandji and his team. After only 10 months of management, citizens already have many grievances against the team, accused of not informing the citizens and of having done nothing: at the local level, 80% of the citizens affirm not knowing anything Development projects being developed in their communes, and rigorous measures to be taken against insecurity, warlords and all armed bands.

« This is a gap, because the people should be involved in the design, implementation and monitoring / evaluation of these projects designed for them and the steps to be taken to restore security in A better time « . In order to unveil certain acts and to remind citizens of their right to information, freedom and democracy fighters have never ceased, in their articles, to emphasize the responsibility of public institutions and The management and settlement of the situation in which the Republic is today and which continues to be the victim of the entire Central African people.

A president who does not communicate with the people and does not take account of his multiple and varied missions

According to the constitution and other laws of the Republic, public prosecutors, elected institutions and other state power holders at all levels should be held accountable to the citizens on a regular basis. But only a few deputies of the nation make efforts during ordinary and extraordinary sessions. The president of the republic, Faustin Archange Touadera, as for him, makes his last case of worries. « In addition to what parliamentarians do from time to time, the Central African Head of State refuses, since taking office, to dare to lend himself, every two months and when circumstances require it as what Took place in Brussels, on questions of the population, live on all the media, as far as its management of the country « , specifies a political scientist The publication of the conclusions of each council of ministers (weekly) Transparency and accountability needs to be reinforced by regular media briefings and press conferences with the most critical media professionals.

It should be remembered that, following his appointment, the President had nevertheless ordered each minister to hold a conference every three months in order to take stock of his work and announce new priorities. But the ministers did not always honor this commitment. This essentially calls into question the desire for transparency and the rupture of the president as the first head of the executive, so much advocated and long awaited.

Obstacles to transparency

« The Central Africans do not know, but the law specifies that the parliamentary sessions are public. In practice, however, few Central Africans are interested in this exercise of the democratic game. Better, the debates in the committees are almost in camera, whereas the law obliges to enrich them by the expertise of any resource person, « remark Isidore Bagaza, defender of human rights. The government’s achievements are also officially unknown to Parliament. « In principle, the two chambers of parliament meeting in congress should evaluate the government’s action every six months in relation to its commitments, but this meeting can not be organized because of the inoperative nature of the Senate, » he said. latest.
Many other flaws are also observed due to the non-functionality of the main national bodies, provided for by law to work on certain vital sectors. Let us hope that their functionality will participate in the awakening of the national consciousness on the way in which the affairs of the city are managed by our leaders.
This is why, in order to draw the attention of citizens and agents to the existence of these legal provisions and the imperative to comply, civil society organizations propose to carry out a campaign in the coming days Media, around this theme. « It’s not about criticizing or denouncing, but we want to talk about it so that the public is informed of its rights and so that our leaders can change their practice, if necessary, » says a supporter of the Global NGO Rights The leaders must acknowledge their weaknesses and promise to make amends and citizens now know what they are entitled to, nothing should be as before, reacts Antoine Nzapayé.

On the basis of all the above, it should be noted that the control of the citizen on the action of elected representatives is an essential component of democratic life. This power of control derives from the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen which enjoins the right of all citizens « to observe, by themselves or by their representatives, the need for public contribution [and] (Article 14), which provides that « the company has the right to demand an account of its administration from any public official » (Article 15).

 Therefore, in the name of these rights, the fighters of freedom and democracy today demand very humbly the President of the Republic, Faustin Archange Touadéra, to have the convention signed in Brussels by him published on behalf of the Central African people. It must do so for the information of the people whose children bear the heavy responsibility to meet the expenses of repayments with interest of these funds, and for the manifestation of the truth.

For, according to information from sources very close to the signatories of this agreement to which nobody can have access, it holds one of the copies and must make it public. So that no one is ignorant and that this business of Brussels II is not the remake of Brussels I with a certain Sylvain Maliko, that is to say a total fiasco. As it is whispered in the international organizations, the chancelleries, certain headquarters of the political parties and in certain authorized circles.
Jean – Paul Naïba


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