Nation: Mr. Mbata & Mr. Dondra, is it not illegal to demand payment of a debt due against the payment of a large sum of money?


dame-justiceThis is the only question that all alert throwers and all freedom fighters must ask themselves in the aftermath of a well-conducted investigation into the disappearance of the claims files of two (2) state suppliers , At the level of the direction of the debt.
A case which had already been referred to in the online newspaper « La Voix des Sans – Voix », through the publication on its site of the article entitled « M. Dondra, are you aware of the refusal of the director of The debt to obey your instructions? « . A case which had already once again been published on the same site of the article labeled « Mr. Dondra, what do you say of the disappearance of the files of payment of the receivables of two (2) State at the level of the management of the debt? « . A case which was referred to yesterday by the newspaper « The Democrat » through the publication of the article: « Mr. Dondra, files of payment of the claims of the two (2) suppliers of the State missing at the level of the Debt management? « . In short, a case that did not affect anybody, namely neither the President of the Republic, Faustin Archange Touadera, candidate of the politics of the rupture, nor the Prime Minister, Prime Minister Simplice Matthieu Sarandji, in charge of putting Implementing this policy, giving it form and translating it into action in the consciousness of the people, nor the Minister of Finance and Budget, Mr. Henri Marie Dondra, in his capacity as chief authorizing officer of state expenditure, And neither the Minister of Justice, Keeper of Seals, gendarme and judge of the control and management of the finances of the Republic. An immobility that is totally ignorant of the responsibility of each other in the daily management of the affairs of the city? A contempt simply for a case where the person concerned does not belong to the nomenklatura or a case for which they will have nothing in return?
In any case, this case is a clear and obvious case of bad governance, which calls for clear and precise answers for them, lest we interfere with the international community and the donors.
What is it all about? His name does not matter. It is simply a supplier to the State which pays its taxes annually and thus contributes to the creation of employment and wealth, just like any economic operator worthy of the name. For the financial year 2013, his company was awarded contracts for the renovation works of the Renaissance palace and certain sensitive services of the Presidency of the Republic, after the results of the work of a limited commission of attributions. As a patriot, and faced with the impossibility of the Ministry of Finance and Budget to make available the start-up funds for the works, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Public Procurement Code in the Central African Republic, To assume full responsibility for supporting, with the material and financial support of its bank, on the basis of a guarantee guarantee, and its partners, the full cost of carrying out the said works, the amount of which would be more Of 130 million FCFA.

It was therefore right, after definitive acceptance of the work to the extent of more than 99%, that he had submitted to the President of the transition, Mrs Samba – Panza, a request for payment of her net debts due. On the instructions of the latter, its director of cabinet had diligently transmitted it duly notified to the Minister of Finance and Budget for payment. The latter, in turn, had not hesitated for a moment to send it to the Director-General of the Treasury for necessary action.
Unfortunately, the letter of transfer duly bearing the visa of the latter will never be signed by the Minister of Finance and Budget until the dissolution of the government. In the aftermath of the return to constitutional order and confident in the politics of the break so much sung and so much promised by the President of the Republic, Faustin Archange Touadera, the poor believed the time had come to revive his file, The Prime Minister, Prime Minister Simplice Matthieu Sarandji, in May 2016.
Promptly, the third personality diligently transmitted it to his Minister of Finance and Budget, with the following annotations: « Min. Finance: For Consideration « . And Mr Dondra, in his capacity as the State expenditure officer, sent it to the Director-General of Public Accounts and Treasury, who in turn forwarded it to the Treasury Director. But, for unavowed reasons, it will be reluctant to give a favorable result. This dismissal without valid reason and not notified to whom of right which merely amounted to a tacit refusal, compelled the person concerned to urgently need to seize again the Prime Minister, head of government. So, as a professional and to have the heart of it, he will decide to solicit technical expertise, not one of his advisors but two before any new direction. Meanwhile, the supplier who was awaiting the settlement of this claim to evacuate the mother of her bedridden child, will lose it. Informed of this sad news, the Prime Minister will annotate it and entrust it to one of its advisers to follow the Minister of Finance and Budget. In order to ensure effective follow-up, Mr Dondra will be off the beaten track and will in turn entrust the follow-up first to his protocol manager and then to his cabinet attaché, with the following annotations: « Director of the debt And DGT, see me.  » But, at this level of processing of the file, things had to be accelerated and the payment to be made 48 hours at the latest, great was going to be the surprise of the supplier. First, that of hearing the debt manager tell her to give her time to extract her state of debts from the data bank. Then, to hear the latter make him sing in his ears that the Minister of Finance and Budget would have asked him to get closer to the ACCT Central Accounting and Technical Officer. Finally, to tell him that not only would the original file be mysteriously missing, that he should produce copies of it, and that he should take his trouble patiently because there would be nothing left in the basket fund for the Payment of claims due to state suppliers.
A news that could only cause the poor supplier to fall into syncopation who no longer knows which saint to vow and who in the fog still loses his son. In addition to these family difficulties, the man would be threatened with a real estate seizure by his bank and prosecution by his partners. Then he can only get lost in conjectures. How could all the other providers of the State in the same situation be paid without a favorable response to his case? How can a State be so largely bankrupt that it is not only unable to order a settlement of a claim of 130 million CFA francs but, above all, to eliminate its Folder? How can the director of the debt that never addressed his correspondence be able to substitute for the real receiver who happens to be the Minister of Finance and Budget to make him say that the envelope intended to pay the debts due to the suppliers Being empty, no provision can be made for the payment of its claims? Is it not his responsibility to bring to the attention of the Minister of Finance and Budget the true state of his claims, leaving it to the latter to give or not to follow up? By alleging the disappearance of the original file and the unavailability of the funds, then the director of the debt would in reality be demanding the payment of its claims against the Payment of a large sum of money? Would it not be for this reason that the claims of a supplier of the State in the same situation as him and transmitted at the same time to the direction of the debt for necessary to be made were favorably treated, without ambiguity And without frills?
To the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance and the Budget and the Minister of Justice to answer all these questions which are far from militating in favor of the implementation of the policy of good governance sung And long awaited.
In all cases, the way in which this case has been handled poses in all its nudity the problem of mismanagement of the records of the state’s administrators, in general, and those of the state’s suppliers in particular. It can only contribute to comforting in their thesis the supporters of the accusation that no file can be dealt with in the Ministry of Finance and the budget without the person concerned has previously put his hand to the pocket.
A serious accusation that makes the Republic a bankrupt state, a corrupt state. An accusation that makes the administration an administration of corrupt and corrupt.
An accusation that should awaken the Minister of Justice, Flavien Mbata, of his long night sleep and urge him to order tomorrow the opening of a judicial inquiry on this case. So that the policy of rupture and that of social justice can be born and begun to be felt!

Jean – Paul Naïba


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