Nation: Mr. Guillaume Lappo, what do you say about the non payment of the thousands of invoices of the Enerca by the State?


A few days after the press conference organized by the minister of mines, energy and water, Mr Léopold Mboli Fatrane, surrounded by his closest collaborators and in the presence of Mr Thierry Patient Bendima, Director General of the Interim Enerca, it is the turn of the board of directors of this company to rise by the voice of Mr. Guillaume Lappo, his ad interim president. To launch a campaign to raise the awareness of the Enerca staff without excluding their direct or indirect responsibilities in the acts of fraud and vandalism against which the installations and equipment of this State company and the Calling to order and scrupulous respect for their obligations and duties, without prejudice to disciplinary sanctions and delisting.
Indeed, since the terrible energy crisis of June 2008, which resulted in the breakdown of the Boali I hydroelectric plant, which produces more than 60% of the electricity production, plunging the city of Bangui and Its surroundings in the darkness for several months and compelling the general management of Enerca to resort to the use of load shedding whose duration oscillated and continues to oscillate between 4 am and 8 am time following the zones of departure, Accusing fingers are always brought on the agents of this company in the commission of certain acts of fraud, theft and physical destruction, on the one hand, and in parallel and illicit sale of services regularly due to subscribers against practices Minor bills to pay, illegal connections and rackettages, on the other hand, by means of often strong sounding and stumbling species. Indecent acts which contribute monthly to the drying up of Enerca’s resources, to the destruction of its assets and other facilities and which are likely to accelerate its liquidation process pure and simple. All in all, a call to order to more citizen spirit and a warning, legitimate and approved by all the fighters of freedom and democracy.

However, it is also the responsibility of the Management Board to play its role as the supervisory body to which the only national electricity generation, transmission, distribution and marketing company is subject, as Mr Guillaume Lappo Also to call to order the State on its missions, to design and conduct the energy policy in this country and its responsibilities in the litanies of difficulties suffered by the Enerca for years.
Indeed, for all the fighters of freedom and democracy, the State has failed in its missions to defend and translate into action the right of everyone to electricity as well as to drinking water. If, in the aftermath of the Republic’s accession to independence, much has been done to accelerate the electrification of the city of Bangui and that of our principal prefectures, this political will has become blurred. Is now more than thirty years old. For example, after the construction of the Boali III hydroelectric power station was launched, with an estimated capacity of 10 MW, whose work was suspended several times due to periods of chronic instability Due to recurring political crises and which are now slow to be revived by Chinese partners, no other ambitious plans to increase the country’s real electricity production capacity in terms of significant power have been initiated and ‘was born. Meanwhile, not only has the basic infrastructure of Enerca, both in Bangui and in our provinces, become obsolete, obsolete and old-fashioned, but above all the State, as a large consumer of electrical energy, has never been able to To pay regularly its invoices whose amount now stands at billions of CFA Francs. This anti-citizen culture, embodied at the top of the Republic by the Central African State, its leaders, presidents, prime ministers, presidents of the national assembly, ministers or ministers, directors-general, Its heads of department, its heads of bureau, its officials and its agents, has finally crystallized in the mentalities and collective consciousness of the plebs. Is not the raison d’être of a State in this country to offer quality services free of charge not to the people but to their leaders? Why then should it be otherwise for all the other social strata, the most vulnerable and subscribers of the Enerca?

Even if the Government’s support for Enerca can not be ignored from time to time through the famous subsidy formula, it is unworthy, irresponsible and even criminal for any worthy state not to honor the Payment of its invoices. An anti-republican and irresponsible behavior which must be noted and denounced and which betrays the absence of a citizen and fiscal culture on the part of those who incarnate the State and who must act in the name and on behalf of the public « Res publica ».
To these defects and weaknesses of the State whose consequences in the process of physical liquidation of the Enerca sufficiently begun are no longer to be demonstrated, must be added its placing under guardianship of the primacy, represented here by the Comptroller General State companies and public offices, and the excessively untimely interference of this supervisory institution in its day-to-day management. This confers on this supervisory body the status of judge and party. This constitutes an act of flagrant violation of the provisions of the law on the organization and functioning of state-owned enterprises and public offices, which is contrary to the rule of separation of powers between authorizing officers and public accountants, Budgetary law. Still another ugliness to put on the back of the government and the primacy. How can a supervisory body be both a supervisory body and a management body? It is the pinnacle of the improbable and the stupid.
If it is accepted that any control is necessary for the financial health of any undertaking, it becomes detrimental to the life of the same undertaking, when it is institutionalized, is not followed by an evaluation, Commonly used method is not effective and efficient and contributes only to systematically reducing unnecessary expenditure and preliminary analyzes of the masses budget in the employment programs in adequate correlations with the real time execution of certain substantial expenses without The payment of which the company could exist and assume its tasks.

So, as developed above, there is no need to be a budget expert to understand and assert without risk of mistake that the Central African State is responsible for the ills that gangrene the Enerca, up to 70% . Instead of seeking loopholes and scapegoats, he should not be ashamed to acknowledge his defects and his indignities and change the gun of his shoulder. First, by reminding members of the Board of Directors to strictly observe the number of their annual meetings. By then innovating courageously in the field of electricity and water by designing and implementing an ambitious and aggressive energy policy. Finally, by accelerating the reform of Enerca into a genuine national electricity company able to self-manage, self-finance, take action on the financial markets, diversify its sources of supply, and Import and export, following the example of the EDF in France.

Jean – Paul Naïba


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