Kaga – Bandoro: What was hidden behind the detonations of weapons of war heard in the city …


Today, two (2) days, that is, on the night of Tuesday, February 21 to Wednesday, February 22, 2017, a certain Al – Katim, warlord and caliphate de facto of the prefecture of Nana – Gribizi, would have asked his elements to press the trigger, without any form of trial and thus creating panic among the population. In the wake of the UN forces in Minusca, who would not have been disturbed to find out why and to take vigorous measures against those trouble-makers and criminals of the worst kind.

As we announced in our last article, according to generally reliable information, the most powerful man in Kaga – Bandoro who erected his staff there, levies the tax in place of the agents of the municipalities Financial, decides disputes in place of the judge, collects taxes worth 25,000 on the transport of each beef to Bangui, racketeens the population by erecting barriers throughout the city, kills with impunity, rapes, fire Dwellings and granaries, and forced men, women, children and elderly people to leave their villages to seek refuge in the bush and to live there as animals, would have liked not only to express dissatisfaction in the aftermath of the departure of A certain Ali Darass of the city of Bambari, but above all announce its determination to fight with the Minusca in attacking in the days to come all its positions.

Following this threat to take very seriously, and realizing that Al – Katim is not Central African and would be maneuvering for the same interests and the same cause as a certain Ali Darass, the elements goula and Rounga coalition of the FPRC / RPRC / MPC coalition would have decided to put an end to him and with all the foreign mercenaries who are rampant in their ranks and in the Central African country. Since Wednesday, 22 February 2017, there have been violent clashes in Azène and Koukourou between them, resulting in loss of life on both sides and material damage.

Who would emerge victorious from this fratricidal war? Would confusion now reign in the circles of the liquidators of the Republic and the slaughterers of a whole people whose responsibilities are established in the present crisis? Would the cries of distress of all our martyrs have blown up the sluices of the heavens and have they reached the ears of the Master of the Visible and Invisible Universes? Would God Sabaoth, the God of Armies, come into action to put an end to this apocalypse that has plagued the CAR for more than three (3) years?

No one can answer these questions, but since the return of Chadian President Idriss Déby to the commands of the Central African affairs, fear seems to change sides and now settle in the camp of the conquistadores. Would Al – Katim be the next target, after the departure of Ali Darass from the town of Bambari, to shoot down?

In any case, the misfortune of the Central African people continues in total oblivion and in front of the complicit silence of President Touadera and his friends of the Minusca. Until when ?

Kassa mo Ngonda


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