Ippy: Revelations on the exact circumstances of the death of General Zoundecko of the coalition FPRC / RPRC / MPC … ..

It was Saturday, February 12, 2017, in the village Mbroutchou, located 25 km from the town of Ippy. Informed of the imminent attack of their position by the elements of the FPRC / RPRC / MPC coalition under the high command of Generals Zoundecko and Harda Harkouma, the UPC fighters of Ali Darass who were firmly installed there, And who raged in them, would have thought it useful to anticipate their enemies. The confrontation between the two forces would have taken place in this village and the fighting that would have lasted more than two (2) hours would have been very hard and very harsh and it is on this battlefield that the General Zoundecko, who was fatally wounded, not by UN forces but by a bullet from a UPC fighter, died later around 9 am.

So, short of ammunition and before the firepower and numerical superiority of the enemy, UPC fighters would have simply stepped out of Mbroutchou village to seek refuge in the town of Ippy. In spite of the support of the Mauritanian contingent of the Minusca, they would have been forced to abandon the city to the enemy, who would have remained there until 3 pm ‘afternoon.

And it was when the FPRC / RPRC / MPC coalition took the decision to continue its march towards the city of Bambari that the Minusca would have taken off its combat helicopters and even mirages or jaguars from Ndjamena or Libreville for Neutralize its columns of vehicles and more than a hundred of its fighters.

As described and relayed faithfully above, this information from cross-checked and generally reliable sources reveals that General Zoundecko would not have been targeted by the Minusca and would not have been shot by an element of the UN forces. And this is what has testified since then to the effective and total control of the city of Ippy by the elements of the FPRC / RPRC / MPC coalition and as their enemies of the UPC had done, would now Tax and racket the population by erecting checkpoints at the exit and entrance of the city, in full view of the UN forces of the Minusca.

Gaspard Koyatémo


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