Insecurity: M. Touadéra and M. Onanga, here are the images of the murderous assassination of the journalist and Pastor Jean – Paul Sankagui

The former HCC member, a teacher at the University of Bangui in the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences, several times high-ranking personality in the country, was killed in the events of Tuesday, February 7, 2017 afternoon at KM5 in Bangui, according to a member of his family, confirming that the body was extracted from the area in the middle of the night.
« He went to extract members of his church who were taken to task in the fighting and were arrested and then stabbed by armed men who later burned down his church called the Church of Christ, » he said. entrusted. He also claimed that the new PK 5 Big Man warlord left his life in this operation « which aimed him personally ». Several houses were also burned in the clashes and some people returned to the site of the displaced people of M’Poko, closed a few days ago by the authorities.
 At the time of going to press, the tension would still be palpable and those who are now in power after the departure of the gendarmerie, the police and the Minusca, leaving the civil population to its sad fate, Would circulate door to door, sharpened weapons and cutlasses, and coated with poisonous products in search of the souls who still live there.
What do Mr. Touadera and Mr. Onanga say? Are they not simply responsible for these new abuses, these killings, the destruction of public and private property, the burning of dwellings and churches that have still mourned the Km5 and set off again on the tarmac of the airport Bangui M’poko hundreds of families who came to their homes in the 3rd and 5th arrondissements of the city of Bangui? Who should take full responsibility for it?
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