These are the latest news to the editorial staff. Indeed, very close to the situation and nice indiscretions from the Ministry of Justice, it is revealed consistently and concurring that Lady Delphine Patetif, alias « Pathétique », Technical Adviser to the Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, fictitious subscriber of ENERCA fraudster and electricity for more than three (3), not content with the mere release of Mr. Nguété, police colonel, seconded to ENERCA, she made arbitrarily stop and sequester the IRS for more than 72 hours, « for intrusion, violence and assault » would activate to use its strong relationships within the prosecution, in order to obtain by all means head Of the judicial police officer who had only done his job, on instructions from his hierarchy. A public service mission consisted in accompanying and assisting a team of Enerca agents in the installation and installation of a prepaid meter in A decision by the council of ministers to fight against the frauds of which this enterprise is constantly being the victim.
Fraud under the load which would have fallen shamefully Dame Delphine Patetif, alias « Pathétique », which has never signed an electricity supply subscription to ENERCA, which consumed for free since she landed in Central and which continues to use to this day illegally and irregularly electricity in the city of 17 villas with 16 tenants, of course French expatriates, are not only in good standing vis – à – vis the ENERCA but Especially did not hesitate for a moment that these agents could install and install regularly these prepayment meters.
Why then Dame Patetif, alias « Pathétique », categorically refused to do like the others? Because she is a friend of the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice and all the members of the government present at her house during the celebration of her birthday, as she said and continues to Clamer loud and clear « urbi et orbi »? Is she really a French, seconded in the framework of technical cooperation? By refusing to subscribe to the Enerca, by accepting without any embarrassment to consume for more than three (3) fraudulently electricity and by opposing an end of not receiving a convocation that day on Thursday January 26, 2017 , To him regularly deposited, is it not in the process of proving the opposite?
These are questions which are addressed directly to President Touadera and Sarandji and to which the General Inspectorate of Judicial Services will have to answer bluntly and unadorned in order to reveal to the public the author or the authors of this cabal against the person of Mr. Nguété who had done only his work, through the instrumentalisation of justice for personal ends or settling accounts.
In order to ensure that no one is ignorant, the alert launchers and the fighters of freedom and democracy bring to the attention of their dear readers a copy of the notification of the decision of the Council of Ministers To the implementation of the installation and installation of the prepayment meters.
« Bangui, 22 December 2016
Notification of Decision
To: Minister of Mines, Energy and Hydraulics – Bangui –
Following your note on the supply of electricity in the city of Bangui, I have the honor to remind you that the ordinary council of ministers, meeting on Thursday, December 15, 2016, under the very High Presidency of His Excellency the Professor Faustin Archange Touadéra, President of the Republic, Head of State, expressed his agreement and instructed you to make every effort to improve the regular management of the Enerca, on the one hand and recommended to you Go to the prepaid system for better control and distribution of electricity because the Enerca is a company that must generate resources on the other hand.
I notify you of the above for the practical arrangements to be made.
The minister, secretary general of the government, in charge of relations with the institutions of the republic and monitoring – evaluation of public policies
Jean – Christophe NGUINZA »
Jean – Paul Naïba