Embargo: Mrs deputies, call on Mr Doubane and demand the resignation of Mr Yaketé!


« His statement to a colleague of the RJDH, a few days ago, what stupidity!
What puerility, what he dared to say to the press and to a whole people tired of running, weeping and burying their dead every day that God does on this earth, bruised and thirsty for security, for a member of the Whose primary mission is to develop, first, and then implement, the political program on the basis of which the candidate Touadera was massively elected!
What insult to the elected representatives of the nation, endowed with legitimate powers, that is to say, directly from the population, from the east to the west to the south to the north, to represent it, To make its hopes heard in the hemicycle of the national assembly, to the government and to the international community, through the passing of laws and the control of the actions of the government and international treaties , Seeing them behind the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2339 extending for one (1) year the decision of the arms embargo in the Central African Republic!
What a political blunder on the part of a member of the so-called government of powers who would have done better to be silent than to venture to hold on to the public square such remarks whose consequences in any democracy can only be immediate : The immediate and unconditional resignation of the accused or the dissolution of the government through the motion of censure!  »
It is these words of despair, exasperation and disgust that continue to fall from the lips of Central Africans and Central Africans, to whom the whistleblowers and all the fighters of freedom and democracy have been willing to hold their microphone, In the aftermath of the reply of a certain Joseph Yaketé, former Minister of National Defense, on the question of the almost certain responsibility of the Government for the extension of the arms embargo to the Central African Republic. A decision which was adopted by UN Security Council Resolution 2339 on January 27, 2017 and against which Mr. Thierry Vackat, as the deputy of the nation, has vigorously and courageously Constituency of Mongoumba and formerly chairman of the Defense Committee in the National Assembly.
And it is precisely and unfortunately in response to this speech that Mr. Joseph Yaketé, who had obtained no more than 0% in the last presidential election, which consequently enjoys no legitimacy which can confer constitutionally full powers on him Speak and act on behalf of the Central African people whose names and CVs are nowhere to be found in the files of the civil service and the Ministry of National Defense but which, by alchemical – political formulas of which it is the only secret, Combinations, mafia and opaque arrangements and pacts, found himself in the very thorny armchair of the Minister of National Defense, allowed himself to be responsible for extending the prorogation to the deputies of the nation.

Obviously, against all odds, instead of the government which has the responsibility, like all other governments in the world, to develop in this case the policy of defending the integrity of the territory, the protection of the population Civil society and the free movement of goods and people and to ensure its implementation. That is what the whistleblowers and all the freedom and democracy fighters simply call for a flight of responsibility and a resignation that does not say its name or betrays the obviously incompetence of a member of the A so – called government with skills to know the missions and to implement them.
For his guidance and that of those who still support him in this government, the alert launchers and all the fighters of freedom and democracy are humble to remind him that the candidate, Pr Faustin Archange Touadera, Promised the Central African people, during the last electoral campaign, the break-up, securing and pacification of the country, the restructuring of the faca, the disarmament by force of all the warlords and all the armed bands without Redeployment of civil and military administration throughout the national territory, the return of thousands of displaced persons to their villages and homes, national reconciliation, social justice and the rebirth of the Republic. The implementation of the various pillars of this ambitious political and socio-economic program, on the basis of which it was effectively and massively elected, undoubtedly depends on security and peace, through the redeployment of all the defense and security forces. Security in the 16 prefectures that make up the Central African Republic.
However, since more than 10 months of management of the affairs of the city, neither President Touadera nor his government in which of course a certain Joseph Yaketé sits conceived and implemented a clean and effective alternative to the situation Of generalized insecurity in which an entire Republic is caught. Worse, instead of making the will of the people with a certain courage and a certain determination to force the respect of all, by restructuring the faca, endowing them by all means with appropriate materials and redeploying them throughout the whole National territory in order to annihilate all the negative forces which prevail in the 12 prefectures out of the 16 which make up the Republic, kill with impunity, violate, plunder, burn houses and granaries, racket the population and levy the tax instead Of state agents, President Touadera and his government, including Joseph Yaketé, prefer to do their little will, that is to say reaching out to all the cutthroats of the Central African people and all liquidators of the Republic, And to help the international community to make the crisis elastic so as to derive all the benefits that flow from it. This explains in simple words the refusal on the part of the international community and all those who are better off from this crisis, that is to say, the blood of the Central Africans, the destruction of their public goods and Private and illegal exploitation of their wealth, to see the faca rehabilitated. This is the reason for the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2339.

A decision that attacks the life, dignity and honor of the Central African people! A decision which has been taken from the backs of a whole people, that is to say, without having been previously assumed by the elected representatives of the nation, who have an obligation on behalf of the people to give their opinion on the Acts and treaties.
So this is the occasion for them, from east to west, from south to north, without distinction of political party and regional affiliation, to question the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Charles Armel Doubane , about this question. How was this decision made, in the total absence of any prior consultation with the elected representatives of the nation? Why were the MPs not informed or why did the government want to keep all procedures for its adoption by the Security Council secret? Do they no longer have the right to give their opinion on matters affecting the life and right of the Central African people to life? Does not the Central African people have the right to have a national army to defend the integrity of its territory, its protection, and that of the State?
These are indeed relevant questions to be answered by Charles Armel Doubane, whose competence is not to be questioned, contrary to that of his colleague of the national defense, whose presence in the government no longer serves The resignation must be demanded and obtained by the deputies of the nation. Unless he is there only to play the role of a traitor to his country: to be there to prevent the rehabilitation of the faca.
However, the evil has already been done and parliamentarians have to react vigorously, as alert launchers and freedom and democracy fighters have pointed out above, but also in accordance with the provisions of Article 77 of the Constitution of 30 March 2016, establishing among the means of information, control and action of the Parliament on the creation of a Commission of Inquiry and Control. As proposed by a whistleblower, « to deal with recurring cases of serious human rights violations in our provinces, our parliamentarians must take initiatives such as that already organized by the parliamentarians of the city of Bocaranga in 2016 , Going on the ground to public debate with community leaders, military leaders of Minusca and rebel leaders on ways and means to stop the atrocities and other bullying that our parents face in the provinces. We can not any more! HALT to the massacres of innocent civilians, to the destruction of property and others.

Today the time is SERIOUS! The civilian populations of our provinces are left to their own devices, defenseless and at the mercy of hordes of foreign barbarians without faith or law, who commit atrocities, systematic destruction of movable and immovable property, extra-judicial executions, Reasons. At the same time, we see mock negotiations between the president and some rebel leaders, who are discreetly received at the Renaissance Palace, without knowing the subjects discussed, or commitments made to respect the Human life, or for the return of security and peace. It must be noted that each time these quidams, once dubbed by the president, become more dangerous, as if they had been ordered to kill. It was the cases of the two chiefs, namely Mahamat HISSEIN and Haroun GAYE of groups of Km5, who the following day decided to leave the capital, with men, weapons and baggage; It is also the case of the new Cameroonian rebel leader, a certain SIDIKI, who seems, would ask for a consanguinity with the president and would say to anyone who wants to hear him that he would have received the order of this one, Protecting the Pehl community in northeastern regions (no one has denied its claims to date). Faced with all the uncertainties and because of the daily risks to the indigenous peoples of the Central African Republic, I appeal to the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Honorable Karim Meckasoua, to inscribe the question of the creation of this commission, Investigations into abuses in provinces at this current session. TO ESTABLISH THIS APPEAL FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THIS PARLIAMENTARY INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE, I have decided to nominate the following persons to make this message known to our parliamentarians, who are in session, to help us. HELP US ! ELSE YOUR SILENCE, WILL MAKE YOU COMPLICES! President Faustin Archange Touadera. My dear Hon. Martin Ziguele, Anicet Georges Dologuele, Francis Ko-yapende, National Assembly of the Central African Republic, Vackat Thierry, Gomina PAMPALI, … Dear Ministers Fidele Gouandjika, Virginie Baikoua, Henri-Marie Dondra … Republicans and other alert launchers: Chris Can, Clarisse Bindala, Louis-Firmin Kongoubé, Henri Grothe, Serge Comel, Lily-Blanche Koulaninga, Joachim Guere Kanda, Salomon Kotro, Ludovic Ledo, Zenith Africans, Fred Edgard Gassia, Josiane Jsb , Clément De-Boutet M’bamba, Prince Pape Eka II, Jean Kalimsi, Jean-François Akandji-Kombé, Guy José Kossa … My brother, the communicator of the Presidency Maurice Wilfried Sebiro, Of the Civil Society such as: Kolingba Désiré, Emile-Gros Raymond Nakombo, Gaston Nguerekata, Mbedounga, Gervais Lakosso, Nicolas Tiangaye, … This call is ACTE DE CONSCIENCE COLLECTIVE! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !  »
Jean – Paul Naïba


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