CNSS: Mr Richard Kwangbo – Guda makes a very positive assessment of its management and announces its strategic plan 2017 – 2021


Bangui, 6 January 2017. It was 10.30 am when Mr Richard Kwangbo-Guda, former Director-General of the National Social Security Fund, abbreviated CNSS, entered the conference room. There was already present the Deputy Director General, Mr. Doumous who surrounded his closest collaborators.
After formalities of politeness, presentation, wishes of new year and thanks to all the media professionals invited to this press point, he addressed his introductory remarks, the summary of the main lines of which is formulated as follows That follows: the state of play on January 6, 2014, first, the balance of the business project from 2014 to 2016, and the announcement of the strategic plan 2017-2021 , Finally.
But before entering into the heart of the debate or the development of the three (3) highlights mentioned above, he thought it advisable to inform the audience of the importance of the context in which this press point is located. The celebration of the third anniversary of his appointment as Director General of the CNSS on January 6, 2014. A celebration that offers him an opportunity not only to communicate with serenity, efficiency and all the seriousness required, (3) years of practice, and respond with responsibility and frankness to certain personal attacks, false allegations and erroneous interpretations of certain facts or decisions of which he was subject and distilled this and Especially in certain print media and social networks, but above all to report on its own management, first to its hierarchical superiors, to the insured persons and other CNSS partners, and then to the people of the Central African Republic. Fine.
This being said, the latter to continue by hammering that on his arrival at the head of the general management of the National Social Security Fund, he inherited a catastrophic situation, that of a company in agony Structurally and financially, and suddenly bedridden and underfoot a profound reform. Indeed, following the military – political crisis which had shaken the soul of the Republic and weakened the democratic regime of President Ange – Félix Patassé, from 1995 to 1997, and whose consequences had been harmful to the State, Administrations, and all public, parapublic and private enterprises, which had also been victimized by the CNSS (formerly OCSS), it was decided in 1997 that this undertaking be reformed, adopted and promulgated by the law establishing in 2006 , Of the National Social Security Fund. The implementation of this reform became effective in 2009 but will soon be gripped by the break-up at the height of a new crisis: that of guardianship. A crisis which resulted in the institutionalization of two (2) camps within the company following the dismissal of the Director General and the appointment of a temporary worker. Consequence: part of the staff is acquired in the case of the director general raised and the other party claiming his interim. A crisis which will happily end, with the appointment and taking office of Mr Richard Kwangbo – Guda, by the beginning of an important step in the further implementation of the reform, in the field of Management strictly speaking.

It should be noted here that the above crisis had a very negative impact on the financial health of the CNSS, with the non – payment of the three (3) quarters of family allowances and the two (2) quarters of pensions, Social benefits from 2003 to 2007 and the non – production of the financial and accounting statements for 2012 and 2013. On a social level, in addition to the division of staff into two (2) camps as mentioned earlier, training Of qualified managers and staff has been suspended for about ten (10) years.
On the basis of all the above, in order to find appropriate or lasting solutions to all these institutional, accounting and financial difficulties and in the area of capacity building, the new Director-General has designed, Of the company, including the Board of Directors and implemented a priority action plan from 2014 to 2016.
Three (3) years later, that is, on January 6, 2016, a careful analysis of the evaluation and implementation of this program revealed a reconciliation between his company and the partners Social security, through the payment in arrears of family allowances and pensions, the progressive and constant clearance of arrears of social benefits frozen from 2003 to 2007, at the request of the beneficiaries and above all on the initiative of the Directorate-General For social reasons, and the adoption of the method of banking the payment of pensions.
In order to modernize the institution for which it is responsible, particular emphasis has been placed on the initial training of executives, the development of the CNSS SDSI, and the rehabilitation of administrative infrastructures. The reconstruction of the buildings of the Directorate-General, those of the Lobaye regional agency and the construction of a conference room, the operationalization of which will contribute to an increase in the level of own resources.
Finally, the viability and credibility of the system were improved by the reorganization of the files, following the physical control of the insured persons whose results were crowned by the detection of false insured persons and the realization of an economy of one The amount of CFAF 200 million, the updating of the financial statements for 2012 to 2014, of which 2015 is already certified, and that of 2016, which will be certified by April 2017 at the latest, and scrupulous compliance with the procedures for the award of contracts In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 8.117 of 6 June 2008 on the Public Procurement Code in Rca, followed by the systematic allocation of 60% management ratios to the payment of family allowances and pensions.
Proud of these very positive results and anxious to consolidate the achievements of the reform initiated and implemented with a view to building in the very near future « a modern social security institution for better coverage of the socially insured », Mr. Richard Kwangbo – Guda developed and adopted a new plan called the « Strategic Plan 2017-2021 ». Implementation of this plan will aim at controlling and optimizing revenue collection, continuously improving the quality of service provided to clients, continuing to modernize the institution and ensuring the sustainability of the scheme.
To conclude his introductory remarks, Mr. Richard Kwangbo – Guda did not go by four paths, to assert with a certain serenity and a rare elegance that the fundamentals devolved to the institution have been restored and that the mission that is to him In spite of a socio-political crisis unprecedented in the history of the country and its impact on all sectors of economic life.
Although the latter was obliged to answer a few questions from journalists concerning the results of the physical check, the detailed development of the contents of the strategic plan 2017-2021 and the methods to be used to encourage employers to declare their staff and To pay in due time their contributions whose amount must always be in surplus in order to allow their company to bear the payment of the pensions, it is necessary to recognize here a rare case of rigorous management of a state enterprise in this country , Reputed to be the country of all negative records, according to the expression of the fighter of freedom and democracy, the late Mr. Zarambaud Assingambi.

An example to copy by cough those who now exercise the same functions of manager or general manager as Mr. Richard Kwangbo – Guda, whatever the criteria and the conditions militated in favor of their choice. There is no shame in having the political courage and scientific humility to guide every good leader and manager, to get closer to him for advice and free consultation. An example of success to teach in all schools of manager training and to require in any cover letter to be included in any application file for any post of general manager. An example of success, in a very difficult environment, which must not only compel respect for all Central Africans worthy of the name and to whom humbly bow all the fighters of freedom and democracy who at the same time address their The most sincere congratulations, but above all to comfort them in their thesis that it is man, the engine of his development and the development of his society.

Jean – Paul Naïba


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