Central African Republic: Dear Adama Dieng, Mr. Onanga and the armed groups are the genocidaires !


Bangui, 6 October 2017 – Deputy Secretary General, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General for the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng, will undertake a mission to the Central African Republic (CAR) from 6 to 11 October 2017.

The mission is a follow-up to the information received by his office that there has been an increase in inter-communal violence, attacks and reprisals by armed groups against civilian populations in several parts of the country. The human rights situation in the Central African Republic remains a cause for concern because of the recurrence of violations and abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law attributed to the various armed groups operating in Central African territory, civil. The cases documented by the UNMIS Division of Human Rights (DDH) and shared for information with the government and Adama Dieng’s office included attacks on civilians, displaced persons and humanitarian workers, extrajudicial and arbitrary executions, death threats, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, rape, sexual and gender-based violence, arbitrary arrest and detention, abduction, forced labor, child soldier recruitment and destruction or the expropriation of property belonging to the civilian population.

Concerned by this information, the Special Adviser wished to visit the CARs to meet the people, to discuss with the Central African authorities the security situation in the country and to explore with them the necessary responses to reduce intercommunity tensions and ensure protection of the civilian population. Its approach is aimed at preventing criminal incidents of war crimes, ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity and genocide, as well as incitement to commit them. It is expected that the Special Adviser will visit Bria and meet with members of religious denominations, civil society, representatives of armed groups, representatives of the international community, United Nations leadership, and the Prosecutor of the Special Criminal Court.

A lawyer and human rights specialist, Mr. Dieng has served as Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for the Prevention of Genocide as Deputy Secretary General since July 2012. He has contributed throughout his career to strengthening the  » the rule of law, the fight against impunity and the promotion of capacity-building for judicial and democratic institutions. He began his career in Senegal as Registrar of Regional Courts and Labor Courts. He served as Clerk of the Supreme Court of Senegal for six years. In 1982, he joined the International Commission of Jurists, where he served in several roles, including Jurist for Africa and Executive Secretary, until 1990. Over the next 10 years, Secretary-General of the Commission and, in this context, as an Independent Expert of the United Nations for Haiti, from 1995 to 2000. From 2001 to 2012, Mr. Adama Dieng served as Clerk of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) as Assistant Secretary-General. Mr. Dieng also served as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to Malawi and was instrumental in the establishment of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption.

The Special Adviser has taught international law and human rights in several institutes and universities around the world. He is a member of the Africa Leadership Forum and Honorary President of The World Justice Project.

Provided by: La Minusca

Nota Bene: Mr. Adama Dieng, the real genocidaires, is Mr. Onanga and all the armed groups without exclusions that made the Central African crisis a real business. To do so, they must do their utmost to ensure that more than 70% of the national territory is occupied by armed gangs in search of gold and diamonds and that the Central Africans are taken hostage and killed every day like animals.

As proof: Mr. Onanga and his accomplices awaited your arrival on Central African soil and the very forthcoming visit of Mr. Antonio Guterres to resolve to get in motion and release the city of Bocaranga, while they let there be severe the mercenary Pehl of Cameroonian origin for several days. Command them to use the same human, material and air means in their possession to free the cities of Kaga – Bandoro, Bria, Alindao, Zemio, Bangassou, Mobaye, Mingala where these negative forces still reign! Advocate not for the strengthening of Minusca, but rather for the use of force against all armed groups, in accordance with the various resolutions of the Security Council (2127 and 2149), the immediate and unconditional departure of Mr. Onanga and the unconditional arrest of all warlords, and there will be more talk of genocide in the Central African Republic!

Source: lavoixdessansoix.com


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