Central African Republic: BenAfrique or proof of the clear failure of the transport policy of Touadéra


A few days ago, the freedom and democracy fighters were about to publish an article entitled « M. Touadéra and M. Sarandji, is the company BenAfrique the appropriate solution to the transport crisis? « . But as if something important had dissuaded them and as there is never any chance on this land of men, the substantial event that everybody was feeling, finally happened on this day, Friday, January 13, 2017 , in Bangui.

Indeed, it was 10:30 am, when my phone rings and I pick up immediately. At the other end of the line, one of my safest informants announces me all right: big brother, one of your buses just caught fire, next to the municipal stadium. I tell him what bus he is talking about since I do not have one. And the latter to answer me: one of the buses of the town hall of which we spoke, just two days ago. A few minutes later, he posted in my box the pictures of the bus on fire and those of the heap of scrap that remained. Images of which I immediately spread widely.

This is simply one example among many that bear witness in a certain and irrefutable way to the proof of the clear failure of the transport policy proposed by President Touadera, the candidate of rupture and change, and led by his government Under the direct authority of its elder, Simple Matthieu Sarandji, through the mayor of Bangui, Emile Gros Raymond Nakombo. A policy of resolving the acute transport crisis experienced by the Central African Republic in general and the city of Bangui, in particular, through the allocation of the juicy supply and distribution contract, A company known as « BenAfrique », of Beninese nationality, old buses or simply tackles, not to say traveling coffins. Following the example of the one who caught fire on Friday, January 13, 2017, from which, with too much difficulty, the electrical system would no longer function, the driver and the receiver, and whose fire would have In addition to those that fall every day that God does, under the bullets of the conquistadors, the warlords, and all the armed bands who have put the country into Cuts set.
How can two (2) academics of this rank get there, when a soldier who had not reached the level of a pupil of the CM2 class and obtained his native certificate to open up his country In the aftermath of his independence, had the ingenuity to create a national company called « Compagnie Nationale de Transports » in abbreviated form CNTR and had equipped it with completely new rolling stock delivered directly by a concessionaire company  » Renault « ? Why not do as much as Jean Bedel Bokassa, not only to find appropriate solutions to transport difficulties, but above all to offer employment to those thousands of unemployed young people who are obliged, due to lack of work, At the service of arms to meet their needs, to generate national wealth and combat poverty? Are they so anti – republican to the point of blindly accepting that a foreign company can take ownership of this area of
national sovereignty and introduce as it sees it on the national territory of the mobile coffins without any guarantee of prior security and proposals of  » A cahier de charges, beneficial to the needs of the population of the Central African Republic? Are they so anti – republican to the point of accepting to make their country one of the bins of the planet? Do they remember at least the case of the Single Window in Douala, whose management was entrusted to a certain Philippe Bocco by Mr Dabanga, at that time Minister of Finance and Budget? Is it not time to learn more about the procedure Mr. Nakombo observed in awarding this juicy market, as the press has already spoken about?

 These are pertinent questions which go beyond any comment but which can only comfort the freedom and democracy fighters in their thesis that Mr Touadera and Mr Sarandji did not come to change the face of Central African society. Rather to change themselves and die rich. It can not be otherwise. Strongly demonstrates their propensity to spend prestige, as evidenced by the exponential evolution of funds allocated to presidential and governmental actions, to receive dubious economic operators and to accommodate themselves with them.

Yet with a small amount of will, determination and political courage like a mustard seed, as stated by the Master of the Word, Touadéra can innovate in this area and create the basic conditions for effective revival country. Although the Rca faces serious obstacles in the realization of its transport network, it nevertheless has significant advantages which partially and naturally contribute to mitigating their effects. Indeed, any transport policy in our country concerns both the internal and the internal links of the country and those between it and the outside world. In this respect, the immensity of the Central African territory (623,000 km2), its demographic weakness and the insufficiency of capital to finance major works constitute major obstacles to the policy of internal trade relations from the country. To this is added the difficulty, large among others, in terms of trade, the continentality of the country. Bangui, the capital is about 1500 km from the Atlantic coast. Torrential rains that cover on average and everywhere from 6 to 10 months of the year with totals varying from an average of 500 to 800 m / m present serious problems for the development of roads. In terms of trade between the countries of the continent, the Rca has another major strategic asset: its position at the geometric center of Africa. When the leaders of the continent decide to pursue an inter-African trade policy, such as the one designed to build the Trans-African Highway, several years ago, Boganda’s country is likely to be the hub of these relations. From the point of view of the development of national networks opportunities also exist. In the first place, geomorphology is the country which offers no major obstacle to the route of roads and other roads. Indeed, the Rca is constituted for 2/3 of trays in tabular forms very easily accessible. As to the nature of the soil, the abundance of the laterite cuirasses facilitates a great deal of construction work, provided, of course, that there is a permanent maintenance. Finally, from a biogeographic point of view, most of the vegetation cover is made up of very easily penetrable savanna, unlike the southern and southwestern regions, made up of forests.

In the light of the above, for several years, the successive governments of the country have conceived and implemented policies to open up the country in all areas: roads, waterways and airways. What interests us here and which appealed to the BenAfrique case is particularly the efforts made in the development of road networks. Even if the difficulties of treasury tensions of recent years, resulting from the permanent and recurring political crises that have shaken and constantly shaken the country, have made them impracticable, roads and rural tracks have been opened to link all Our prefectures to our sub – prefectures. Today, with the return to constitutional order and the brilliant election of Touadera, candidate of the policy of the rupture, much effort can still be made for their maintenance for the development of our regions. As long as he remembers what Jean Bedel Bokassa did, through the creation of the CNTR and the establishment of subdivisions of public works in prefectures and sub – prefectures to create the basic conditions for the revival of activities Agricultural and export crops and cash crops, sources of currency and wealth. So long as he learns the lessons of the Sonatu case and innovates in the matter.

 Unfortunately, the choice made by the mayor of the city of Bangui, through the putting into circulation of the traveling coffins, raises doubts about the ability of the people to take up the problem of the transport crisis in that country and to To find appropriate and lasting solutions for the rebirth promised to the people of the Central African Republic. A patent failure of which he must draw hic and nunc all the consequences before it is late. For he is not mistaken: it will be up to him and him alone to render an account to his electors.

Jean – Paul Naïba



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