Centrafrique : visite conjointe du président de la Ceeac et du représentant spécial des nations unies pour l’Afrique centrale

(FILES) In this file photo taken on January 27, 2020 Former Central African Republic President Francois Bozize arrives prior his first press conference since his return at the Kwa Na Kwa headquarters in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR). - The candidacy for the presidential election in the Central African Republic of former head of state Fran?ois Boziz? was invalidated on November 3, 2020 by the Constitutional Court on the grounds that he was being prosecuted for "assassinations", "torture" and UN sanctions. The first round of presidential and legislative elections is scheduled for December 27, 2020 and the outgoing president, Faustin Archangel Touad?ra, is seeking a second term in the country ravaged by seven years of civil war that continues. (Photo by FLORENT VERGNES / AFP)

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