Bossangoa: Touadéra allegedly stabbed Amine in the back by receiving illegal immigrants in the name and on behalf of UNDP …



It is now a few weeks ago that President Touadéra carried out a work mission in Bossangoa, capital of the prefecture of Ouham. Officially, he had gone there to pay the arrears of the debts due to cotton growers. An argument that does not stand upright, for an observer of the rural Central African for whom this prefecture is no longer producing and exporting cotton than those of the Ouaka, the Nana – Gribizi and the Kémo. So why exceptionally the Ouham?

In reality, and according to credible sources, the man of 30 March 2017 simply moved to this locality to meet informally and discuss with the Anti-Balaka of the region whose contribution was decisive on 5 December 2013 , In the attack of the city of Bangui and the ultimate combats against the conquistadors and the cutters of the selka.
Men and women who would have given much of their blood and energies not only for the liberation of the Republic but especially for its brilliant and triumphist victory at the last presidential. But men and women who, until now, have received nothing in return for their part as a reward, except for ingratitude, cunning, cunning, and honeyed and enticing promises without tomorrow , Contrary to his policy of hands extended to the mercenaries of Seleka, by means of posts and appointments followed mostly of hard cash in order to help him restore security in the areas under their control. Men and women who would be determined to show their lively, sincere and legitimate discontent by a descent or a march towards Bangui. A serious and persistent threat that would ultimately convince President Touadéra of the urgent need to carry out this difficult task. But in order not to offend the conscience of the various partners of the Republic and to take the risk of irritating the international community which considers that the Anti-Balaka are as guilty of war crimes as the elements of Seleka, a certain Fidèle Gouandjika, Minister – adviser to the national organizations would have proposed to make up a mission of relaunching agricultural activities. Who is con?

This being said, like all the missions of President Touadera, this one should be once again a great opportunity for the scavengers and the socio – political maggots to return to the dance, to cherish the dream of shaking hands and him Whisper in their ear their complaints. Thus, according to one of our informants who happened to be a real false UNDP activist, informed of the date by the Prime Minister, Simplice Matthieu Sarandji, a certain Gaby Francky Leffa, former minister of Housing and housing, which was definitively canceled from the party, which would really have difficulty placing the false militants acquired in its small and weak cause, would have seized them and asked them to go down to Bossangoa in order to foresee the hope To put their grievances to the man of Boy – Rabé. Not without first expressing, through the intermediary of a certain Ghislain Yago, deputy of the UNDP of Kembe, his concern to associate the chairman of the parliamentary group and all the other 12 deputies with a contribution of 200,000 CFA francs Machiavellian and Stinky. A request that would be swept away by Mr. Augustin Yangana – Yahoté without our informant being able to affirm whether or not there had been contributions on his part and that of all the others 13 Deputies of the UNDP. In any event, Mr. Gaby – Francky Leffa, against all odds, would succeed in bringing down certain members of the Provisional Committee of the dissolved UNDP to Bossangoa and whose copies of decisions have been regularly brought to the attention of the President Of the Republic, Faustin Archange Touadéra, Prime Minister Simplice Matthieu Sarandji and Jean Serge Bokassa, Minister of Public Security and Territorial Administration.

Never mind, Touadera arrives in Bossangoa and stopped at the airfield some time before the sign of the UNDP. Later, before leaving the city, he would have received these illegal immigrants for several minutes, including Mr. Sem, former national secretary of the Ouham, who would have had the heavy duty of rousing some members of the sub-federal office, Mrs. Makounzi, the Prime Minister’s Minister for Social Affairs, with rank and prerogatives as Minister, Mr. Kocsis, former National Secretary of the Ouaka, and two (2) activists from the 5th arrondissement, a certain Soundjiata and a certain Roger, In the name and on behalf of UNDP. What were they talking about with President Touadera? Our informant not to know too much. But according to sources close to the presidency and the Prime Minister, the agenda would have focused on the situation of each other and the revival of their grievances, those of being named like the others in positions of responsibility. And in the end, Touadéra to hand them an envelope of 500,000 FCFA.
This is information that is likely to comfort the alert launchers and all the freedom and democracy fighters in their thesis that Touadéra, who has debauched a UNDP activist whose name and CV do not appear in The panel of experts of the party and without the proposal of the political bureau and the decision of the founding president, Michel Amine, would actively work on the fragilisation and liquidation of the UNDP. If not, how could he accept, having been informed at a formal hearing by the National Coordination Office of the decision to strike out this militant and all his acolytes, to continue to meet illegal immigrants in the name and on behalf of Of the UNDP? In doing so, would he not be behaving like an outlaw and against the provisions of the 2005 Political Parties Ordinance? Would it not be there in the course of attacking the life of this party as an institution of the Republic and the first national political force? In receiving these illegal immigrants in the name and on behalf of the UNDP, would he be in favor of all those who think he would be deceitful and insistent? Why then would he never agree to deal directly with President Michel Amine and take into consideration all the proposals of the National Coordination Office?
The coup d’état of the Constitutional Court of Transition against political parties, through the adoption of the decision challenging the provisions of the rules of procedure of the National Assembly, can only be one of the answers to all These issues and aims to liquidate the UNDP and to assassinate democracy in this country.
Jean – Paul Naïba


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