Bambari: M. Touadéra & M. Sarandji, who authorized Ali Darass to settle in the Maloum …?

The presence of the leader of the general UPC Ali Darassa Mahamat is reported in Maloum, a breeding commune at about sixty kilometers from Bambari. The information was confirmed to the RJDH by various sources contacted in the region, in the east of the country. The presence of Ali Darassa general of division of the armed movement Unit for Peace in the Central African Republic (UPC) is reported in Maloum village near Bambari, one day after its exfiltration of the city on Tuesday February 22 at 22h 35 minutes. This commune of breeding with majority Peulhs is now the back base of the boss of the UPC in caval.

Independent sources contacted by RJDH confirmed that they saw the convoy of General Ali Darassa close to the Maloum breeding commune, « the convoy arrived in the evening at the entrance of the Maloum village. The chief of the UPC showed a note authorizing him to remain in this commune in order to prevent the attack of the coalition FPRC, « said one of these sources. This same information is confirmed by the FPRC Deputy Chief of Staff Azor Khalit, « last night some of our elements who are between Bambari and Ippy saw the convoy of Ali Darassa from Maloum. Since it is a common livestock inhabited much more by the Peulhs, there is no doubt to that. We have also received information that he has obtained an order to settle in Maloum, « he said.

Ali Darassa would have obtained an order, but difficult to know who gave him this Order to settle in the area.

Residents of the town of Bambari contacted about the reported presence of Ali Darassa close to Bambari were worried, and plan to walk tomorrow Friday, February 24 to demand his arrest, « Ali Darassa was not expected Leaves quietly, since he is not arrested, he can return at any moment. We are only asking that he be arrested and tried, « reported a leader in Bambari. The Minusca who controls the region has not yet pronounced on its location and the destination of Ali Darassa. In Bambari, activities are trying to resume and elements of the UPC are still numerous in Bambari.

Source: RJDH


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