And if Touadera sowed the zizanie at the gendarmerie in the case Bokassa / Metinkoué?


As an integral part of the National Army, the CAR gendarmerie was attached under Michel Djotodia to the Ministry of Public Security. This security corps ensures the security of persons and property, ensures the maintenance and restoration of order, ensures the enforcement of laws, participates in the defense of the nation.
However, in the last few days, nothing has changed between the Minister of Security and the Director General of the Gendarmerie Nationale, General Marie-Thierry Métinkoué. The Minister of Public Security and Territorial Administration Jean-Serge Bokassa, who blasted the behavior of the Director General of the Gendarmerie in the management of sensitive cases, went into detail in his strained relations between him and his ‘subordinate’.

The Director General allegedly carried out the movements of the gendarmes without the knowledge of the Minister responsible. These movements according to certain languages would be dictated by relatives of the head of State Faustin Archange Touadéra. According to a source close to the file, the minister adviser to the DDRR, Séléson reportedly seized the Director General by a confidential letter on 19 January to inform him of the grievances of the head of state’s relatives who would like gendarmes whose Attached to the document, be appointed to positions of responsibility. Minister Jean Serge Bokassa allegedly unsuccessfully asked the Director General of the gendarmerie to stop the movements of the staff, « by message, the minister asked the suspension of the movements but the Director did not want. There are collaborators of the minister who have not been received by the DG on this case, « another source said.

The tension between Jean Serge Bokassa, Minister of Public Security and the Director General of the gendarmerie, Thiery-Marie Métinkoué would be linked to this case. The Director General, according to our sources, allegedly rejected several instructions from the Minister, which in turn would have blocked the movements carried out by General Metinkoué. As evidence, the Gendarmerie Brigade Commander, Chief Warrant Officer Ndobet, assigned by Jean-Serge Bokassa to the juicy Pk9 post to Bimbo, had returned to his post on the orders of his cousin, Minister Bokassa, who was able to hunt Chief Warrant Officer Lucien Drapo-Conference designated by the Director General.

The latter, informed of the situation at the Pk9 post, immediately made a radical decision to send a column of vehicles from the National Gendarmerie’s elite commanders to Pk9 to retrieve the service vehicle and the Motorola Adjudan Ndobet, the BC of the minister. Alerted to the mission Warrant Officer Ndobet hid his motorola. Informed in turn about the disappearance of Motorola, the Director General of the Gendarmerie ordered that the radio line of this Motorola is cut off. Last Saturday, during the major report to the Gendarmerie, the Director General ordered all those he assigned to the provinces to regain their positions respectively.

However, he also ordered the Rapid Intervention Brigade to take all possible steps to forcibly install Chief Warrant Officer Drapo in his new Pk9 post on Monday, 6 February, « by force or by will, It is a matter of breaking the door of the Office « . « He concluded. As a reminder, on January 31, 2017, General Métinkoué took a memorandum banning the access of the gendarmerie barracks to Lieutenant-Colonel Roger Koi-Kouassi, a senior defense officer in the Ministry of Security and the Roger Toukia Squadron, Central Inspector. It was these two personalities whom the minister had sent to the Director General to deal with the question of movements.

According to concordant sources, the Director General of the Gendarmerie Nationale would accuse his minister Jean-Serge Bokassa of appointing his cousins de la Lobaye to positions of responsibility in the Gendarmerie Nationale to the detriment of the others. However, a security officer added on condition of anonymity, Chief Warrant Officer Drapo, formerly in charge of CB at Pk12 appointed to Pk9, is also a close relative of the Zealous Director General.

Why does General Métinkoué stand up with incredible firmness against his supervisory minister Jean-Serge Bokassa?

According to our investigations, it is clear that the state summit accuses the minister of attempting to manipulate the gendarmerie for political purposes, « the reality is there. The minister wants to control everything and use his influence for political ends, « said a close friend of Thiery-Marie Métinkoué. In this ridiculous war, there is more or less mistrust of the commander-in-chief (President of the Republic) Faustin Archange Touadera towards Minister Bokassa, which materializes through General Metinkoué. Others denote why insecurity still gallops in our prefectures.

We must remember the principles of subordination and indicated that only the minister is responsible in his department before the prime minister, no one can challenge this authority. General Thierry Marie Métinkoué must recognize that he was not entitled to ask the palace to question Minister Bokassa about his supposed manipulations of the gendarmerie. Insubordination deliberately maintained by the regime in place. In normal times, Minister Bokassa should summon this unruly officer by a request for explanations. In case of refusal to reply, immediately contact the General Inspectorate of Security Services. The laws and regulations of the Republic are made to be respected by all the hierarchy and at all levels of the scale.
Now we see that Faustin Archangel Touadera in the wake of his cynical deceit is a cold monster capable of weakening the institutions of the Republic. The country is already in an indescribable security chaos, such a quarrel takes us behind the scenes of power, where ideals and realities, virtues and low blows are disputed.
A war of positioning far removed from the current preoccupations of the Central Africans who aspire only to peace. Are they going to fall in physically? Who will emerge victorious from this childish iron arm? Until when did Touadera continue to sow this zizanie? WHO WILL LIVE VERRA.
Source: Carnews


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