Alert – info: Nourreldine Adam disembarks 2 containers full of weapons in Kaga – Bandoro …


According to reliable information in our possession, Nourreldine Adam had disembarked two (2) weapons containers in Kaga – Bandoro this morning in a vehicle driven by his driver. He was alleged to have disappeared from the city for more than two (2) years and returned with a view to conveying a large shipment of weapons to be used by members of the FPRC / RPRC / MPC coalition to march to Fort – Sibut and Bambari.

Moreover, these sources claimed that hundreds of Mbararas, on horses and heavily armed, would have been seen on the Ngrévaï axis.

With the return of the President of Chad, Idriss Deby, at the helm of the Central African affairs, things are moving and the movements of heavily armed men are noted throughout the country. For what purposes?

To Touadera and his friends of the Minusca to answer this question.

Kassa mo Ngonda


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