Mr. Simplice Matthieu Sarandji, but how long will it last?

This is the question which constantly arises, from generally trustworthy sources in our possession, all the headquarters of the various political parties, both the presidential majority and the opposition, diplomatic representations, chancelleries, organizations Observers of the political life of the Central African Republic and the common people.
A very important question to which the President of the Republic, Pr. Faustin Archange Touadéra will have to imperatively answer unambiguously and without frills, as soon as he returns from Bossangoa. A question that has paid off and continues to defray the chronicles. In order to reassure all those who have massively given their votes and entrusted to him the management of their destiny, but who fail to understand that his Prime Minister, Simplice Matthieu Sarandji and his government are struggling to start finding solutions to the many And the many promises he had made to them during the campaign, on the one hand. In order to reassure all goodwill, the various development partners and the community, who are only waiting for strong actions on their part and that of their government, to give shape to their promise of the politics of Change, and generational change, on the other. Acts that are part of a certain political courage that the tenant of the Renaissance Palace does not manage to show, does not displease all the thuriferiers of the regime and their laudators fieffés …
For the sake of the one and the other, the launchers of warning and all the fighters of the freedom and the democracy are humbly to remind simply that the candidate Touadera promised to his voters the security And the pacification of the country, the restructuring of the Central African armed forces, the forced disarmament of all non-exclusive armed groups, the redeployment of civil and military administration throughout the country, the return of thousands of internally displaced persons. Their homes and villages, national reconciliation, social cohesion and the rebirth of the Republic from its ashes.

Promises that, more than 10 months later, led to the management of the Republic, are far from beginning to take shape in their daily lives, simply because of the persistence of insecurity in the twelve (12) prefectures Of the 16 that make up the country of B. Boganda. From koui to Bambari through Ngaoundaye, Bocaranga, Bozoum, Paoua, Kaga – Bandoro, Bakala, Bria, and Ippy where warlords and armed bands kill with impunity, burn houses and granaries, steal, Destroy public and private property and racketee the population by raising the tax everywhere if they do not simply constrain it to flee to the bush to live like animals.
So much so that everyone is obliged to ask himself the question of what his Prime Minister, Sarandji and all his government, have been up to this day to head the country. A question which is not addressed to the latter and to all the other members of his team, since they have not been elected and do not enjoy the legitimacy which the people possess but rather directly in Touadera, whose power Is legitimate and, as such, has been legally and legally obliged to report to them on its management and the manner in which it has used its votes. For the defense of the general interest or for eminently personal and selfish purposes? A legitimate and legitimate obligation of which it must today measure the importance and the scope because it will be put before the fait accompli within four (4) years.
Yet he had justified the appointment of his brother and more than Brother Simplice Matthieu Sarandji to this position of highly strategic responsibility by the non – closure of the electoral process and the unavailability of the parliamentary political map. This meant, and naturally meant, that after the end of the electoral process and taking into account the political weight of each political party in the national assembly, he had to start from the primacy of his companion in the struggle of the first Which is independent, has no popular legitimacy, and has no representative in the national assembly or returns to office but extends its government team to political parties whose weight on the chessboard National policy is indisputable and undisputed, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of 30 March 2016, on which he swears. A promise he has already forgotten unless it was simply a veiled lie.
This urgent need to separate from the tenant of the Pétroca Tower would also be strongly recommended by the international community, following the Brussels round table and even during the working visit of Mrs. Christine Lagarde to Bangui who would like to see And its place a man of a certain political stature, enjoying a popular legitimacy or having representatives in the national assembly.
Unfortunately, in the face of these internal and external pressures, that is to say coming from the Allied political parties and emanating from the development partners, which would seem to make them one of the conditionalities for the disbursements of the funds announced spectacularly in Brussels, President Touadéra Remains autistic and aphorisms. A political autism which is considered too sick by some observers of the national political life but which can well be understood by others too close to the two (2) men

Indeed, according to sources generally well informed, it was not in the calculation of Touadera, when it was still in France after the selecciones of Seleka seized power, to return to the fold to engage in the struggle For the presidential chair. It was his brother and his brother Sarandji who asked him to go down to Bangui and set up his application. No sooner said than done. And Sarandji to make the match of his life, assuming the noble functions of national campaign manager commonly called « DNC », making contact with all support groups and managing all related pitfalls until the end of the day, Brilliant and triumphist victory. Then why would you want the other to agree now to make him leave? It is not possible. This is information which has the merit of being clear and limpid as the water of a rock, and which easily explains the reasons for maintaining one at the primacy of the other.
However, in both life and politics, there are times when one has to make a choice. Either one chooses to be in family for life or one chooses to sacrifice it to the defense of the cause of the collectivity. This is called making a political choice, that is to say, to fight for the happiness of the greatest number. It is this extremely delicate choice that Touadera is called upon to make today between him and Sarandji. Does he at least know that he has this legal and legitimate obligation to report to the people of the Central African Republic at the end of his term of office? So how long will Sarandji still stand at the prime?
Kassa mo Ngonda

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